I really think we could all be good friends, once Hunter figures out that Clara isn't into me. He'll be a lot more relaxed around her then. Hell, I will be too.

The bell rang again, signaling that it was halfway through the period. We had sat here talking so long, I forgot about class.

"Well, there's no point in going to class now." Clara says, standing up and wiping the dry tear stains off her face. "C'mon, let's get going. We might as well head home."

I stood up and walked after her. "Will we be all good tomorrow? Or will we be going back to the way it always is?"

Clara smiled. "I'm not fake flirting with you ever again, I can promise you that. And I won't be rude to you. I'll just act like...a friend I suppose. If you want me to, that is."

I smiled at her. "I would like to be friends."


"Okay, you have to tell me what happened."

It was the next day, and I was sitting in my first hour class. Jason had just sat in his seat next to me.

"Um...what?" I lifted my eyebrows, not knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Between you and Hunter. I know something happened, he's always smiling at you and you are always smiling at him. What happened?" He looked at me curiously.

I smiled, ironically.

"There it is! The smile! Now I know something is going on." I sighed and stared up at him.

"We...kissed." I said.

Jason looked shocked. "Really? What happened after?"

"Well it was less of a kiss and more of a makeout I guess..." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

Jason smirked at me. "Finally something. What else?"

"We talked. After I admitted to having liked him for a while, he admitted to me the same thing. And now we are dating in secret. I told him you know, by the way."

Jason smiled at me. "See, I knew he felt the same way! The tension between you two was obvious. I'm proud of you two."

I smiled at him, and turned around to see Hunter. He looked up at me at the same time, and he smiled at me, then winked. I blushed more, but smiled back at him.

He shifted his eyes over to Jason, who was watching our interaction. He gave an approving nod to Jason, who smiled at Hunter.

"I'm so excited for the two of you."

I chuckled. "Everyone is, apparently."


I was walking to my fifth period when I saw Clara standing in the hallway. For once, she was by herself. None of her minions were around. She looked kinda...sad? I decided to approach her.

I walked up to her and taped her shoulder. "Clara? What's wrong?"

She didn't look at me, but instead kept staring off into the distance. I followed her gaze, only to see Jessica Lockwood.

Jessica was not alone. She had her arms wrapped around another girl, which of whom I did not recognize. They were staring at each other, quite lovingly if I have to say anything about it.

I turned back to Clara, and her face was blank. She looked emotionless and blank.

I had never had to deal with what she is dealing with right now. Hunter never dated much girls, and even when he had any involvement with girls, they never lasted long. Nor did they look that lovey-dovey. Now, I know that the reason for this was because he was gay.

"Hey," I looked at Clara and she finally glanced at me, appearing to be almost crying. "It'll be okay. You'll be okay." I pulled her into a hug, and she did not resist. Once in my chest I could hear her softly crying.

After a little while Clara pulled away, wiping the tears from her face.

"S-sorry. I d-didn't..." I hushed her, effectively cutting her off.

"It's okay. I understand." I smiled at her.

She attempted a smile, but I could tell it was a struggle. I looked away from Clara, and a few feet away saw Hunter. He was looking at me curiously, perhaps confused as to why I was talking to Clara. I motioned for him to come to me, and he did, standing beside me.

At this point, everyone in the hallways had gone to their classes. Hunter looked at Clara curiously, and Clara still had some tears rolling down her face.

"Hey...what's going on?" He said, being cautious around Clara.

"Clara, this is Hunter. You have probably seen him with me all the time." I put an arm around Hunter's shoulder, wanting a bit of contact between us. I didn't immediately want to just out him to her.

Hunter looked at me weirdly, as if to ask me, 'what the hell are you doing?'. Clara saw the gaze as well, and widened her eyes.

"Oh, you probably don't like me too much, huh? Cause I was flirting with Noah a lot..." She looked shyly down at the ground. Hunter was staring at her, expression blank.

Clara looked up at me. "Is it...okay to tell him?" She asked me, and I knew she was talking about her being a lesbian. I smiled at her, nodding my head. At this point, Hunter looked so confused, I had to hold back a laugh.

Clara took a deep breath. "Okay, well...I don't actually like Noah. Like at all, so I'm sorry for flirting with your friend and possibly making you mad." I almost scoffed at the friend part.

"I-um...I don't exactly...like guys..." Clara finished, looking at Hunter with a somewhat confident expression. Hunter's eyes widened.

"Well, why did you fake flirt with Noah?" He asked, I think letting his guard down a bit around her.

"I didn't want my friends to find out about it. They are pretty...um, homophobic. You two are the only people who know."

Hunter seemed stunned. He cleared his throat. "I'm assuming you know about Noah...?" He asked. I smiled, because I never believed that he could have a civil conversation with Clara.

"About his sexual preference?" She wiggled her eyebrows, smiling. "Yeah, he did. I guess that's why I trust him with this."

Hunter looked at me, smiling a little. He turned to Clara.

"Well, I think you would find it interesting to know I'm gay as well." Hunter said, pretty confidently, actually.

Clara looked shocked. Then her eyes narrowed, and she looked to the arm between me and Hunter, apparently connecting the dots. She gasped.

"Oh my god, you two?" She asked with a growing smile. I smiled as well, and turned to Hunter. I gave him a kiss on his cheek, and he leaned into me.

Clara's smile was so wide, I had never seen someone look so happy. "You guy's are so cute! I ship it."

I gave her a confused face. "What does that mean?" I asked, which made Hunter and Clara laugh.

"We can teach you." Hunter said, smiling. I looked between the two of them, smiling as well. I loved that my boyfriend and my new friend were talking now. Especially since I trusted Clara. Maybe it was a little too early too trust her completely, but I really did trust her. If she could trust me with a secret she didn't want anyone to know about, then I could trust her.


That chapter was kinda long lmao.

BUT it's a good thing, since I kept you guys waiting so long for an update. I'm sorry about that, peeps :(

Qotc: What is your favorite song?

Aotc: Oh my goodness, I have so many favorite songs, as well as artists. I think if I really had to choose a favorite song, it would be either TOO GOOD by Troye Sivan, or DKLA also by Troye Sivan.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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