“Why do you want to meet him so badly? Are you planning on scarying him out or something?” Louis asked, with a sarcastic tone.

“No, of course not. It’s just… I really care about you Lou, really. I know I can be the boring big brother type sometimes and I know I’m overprotective but  it’s just that I can’t afford to see you hurt because I won’t be able to comfort you and-“

“Liam, stop. You don’t have to be like that, I already told you I understand. I know you care about me and seeing you like this really breaks my heart. And you’re not boring, you’re like the most amazing guy around here. I mean it.” Louis said, placing one of his hands over Liam’s. The other boy stared at him, his eyes soft and his bottom lip trembling a little. Louis loved Liam because he was such a big and strong guy, but inside he was just as tiny as Louis.

Liam started to rub his tumble against Louis’ hand, smiling. “Thanks. You really are a wonderful friend, Louis.”

“Same. And don’t worry, if something happens to me I’ll go straight to that stupid pool and drag you out of it. Or maybe I’ll just empty it dry.” He said, smiling softly.

“I would like that.”


“Hey, I was wondering if you don’t want to come over? I have a little surprise for you.” Harry’s voice came from the phone,

“A surprise, uh? I bet you’re dressed up as Spider Man or something.” Louis said, laughing.

“So funny, Lou. No, I’m not dressed as Spider Man, but can you please come over this evening?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. Just don’t rush me, I’m going to change and I’ll be there in a moment.” Louis replied, already opening his wardrobe.

“Perfect. See you soon, then.” The other boy said, hanging up. Louis took a deep breath, looking for what to wear: he should use something special because Harry was making a surprise for him. He spent almost 1 entire hour showering and dressing, deciding to wear his favorite buttom up shirt, a pair of dark jeans and a pair of Toms on his feet. He sighed, looking at his own reflection at the mirror: he was decent. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door of his room and walked to Harry’s.


“It’s me.” Louis said, knocking on the door. The room was completely silent, and he wondered if Harry had gone and left him there by himself. But, suddenly, the door opened and Louis couldn’t see nothing but Harry’s form right in front of him: the room was completely dark.

“Harry? What is this?” Louis whined, trying to see something, but the room was too dark: he cursed himself for forgetting his glasses.

All of sudden, the curtains by the window where opened and Louis was able to see a table and two chairs, one in front of another. At the table, there was a pair of long candles and some plates. Harry started to light up the candles, making everything more visible.

“What is this?” Louis repeated, still in shock.

“I decided to make something special for you. I went to the cafeteria’s kitchen earlier today and asked them if I could use it to prepare a meal for us. It’s Italian Pasta, I thought you would like it.” The green eyed boy said. Even at the light of candles, Louis could see him blushing.

“You made all of t-this… for me?” Louis asked, amazed.

“Yeah, did you liked it?”

Louis walked towards Harry, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips, quickly. Both of them were smiling, Louis’ eyes shining more than ever.

Call your girlfriend (Larry AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें