Cuphead: The Countess of the Casino

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Yes, I submitted to this popular video game as well. (It nearly drove me to insanity, is what it did. I'll bet you that it'll battle "Getting Over It" for "Hardest Game of the Year".) Anyways, I found out about this BRILLIANT AU called "Casino Cups" by Brightgoat, and I just fell in love with it at once. So, technically, this storyline is more based off on the AU than the actual game itself, but it still counts! ROLL FILM!

Charlotte of the Earl Grey family is a beautiful and young champagne flute who is preparing to inherit her mother's large fortune and take her role as countess of the family. However, curiosity about her disowned father, whom was portrayed to be a thoughtless drunkard, leads her to the Devil's Casino, where she meets her father's old friend, King Dice, his boss, the Devil himself, and two casino waiters, the brothers known as Mugman and Cuphead. 
Questioning and fearing her destiny as countess, Charlotte spends as much time as she can in the casino, earning herself a new name, and grows to be respected by the regulars, even going so far as to fall for Cuphead, the handsome and reckless waiter of the two. However, when her disappearances start to effect the family business, she realizes she must make a choice between forcing herself into the role meant for her for the sake of her family's survival, or to be free of her responsibility, and pursuing a life of blissfulness.

(Yeah, still no pics for this OC either ;-; but if anyone here's a good Cuphead artist, I'll happily accept! Careful tho, I'm picky about this one)

Charlotte Earl Grey
Age: 19
Hair Color: Clear (Basically imagine a champagne flute's cup, but upside down)
Eye Color: Golden Orange
Occupation: Mistress, soon to be countess
Family: Cristal Grey (mother), Dom Perignon (father)
Friends: Cuphead, Mugman, King Dice, the Devil
Voiced by: (Ehhh...Shavs Media Productions can pick their best female voice actress and give it a spin ^3^)

Cristal Grey
Age: 40
Hair Color: Clear (same thing as Charlotte, but a little fancier)
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Occupation: Countess of the Earl Grey family
Family: Charlotte Earl Grey (daughter), Dom Perignon (husband)
Friends: The Inkwell Isle Court
Voiced by: (Also determined by Shavs Media Productions, because I love their Casino Cups dub THAT much :P)

Well, that was fun ^^. I really hope Brightgoat or some other person sees this, because I would REALLY like to see my Cuphead OC join this AU. She seems like she would mix right in :3

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