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Ehehehehehe. Look who it is.
Hi, by the way. First small author's note so far, I'll probably add more of these along the way!

And swoon over Tom, too.

Enjoy reading!

The room was gigantic. A row of guards on each side lead to a staircase with a large, golden throne above. I kept my mouth from opening in awe. The man sitting in the seat was similar to Thor in many ways, except for his age and an eyepatch covering one of his eyes.

The both of us stopped a few steps from the stairs, and I followed Thor's example and kneeled down. I felt completely out of place in my denim jeans and white shirt. All these people wore gold, armour and capes while I was just incredibly glad that I, in my drunken state, had decided to put on my Timberlands and not the worn-out sneakers I usually wore.

After a short moment, a booming voice sent shivers down my spine.
"I am Odin, protecter of the Nine Realms and king of Asgard."
He spoke, and it took everything I had to not look up. I felt somewhat threatened by this man. I couldn't catch Thor's eye either, since he was solely focused on hearing what his father had to say.

"I requested your presence, since a very pressing matter has been brought to my attention. You have abilities, strange ones. They are something we have not yet come to explain, and that is a problem.
"For now, it does not matter how much you know or understand about what you are. What you do need to realise however, is that your powers pose a great threat for us."

I realised he was speaking to me, and not to his son. The word 'threat' made me flinch. How in the world could I be a threat to anyone in this state? Besides scaring my best friend to death, I had done nothing but walk through a wall.
I cringed.

I walked through a wall. Nothing odd there.

"This is why we have decided it is best for us if you remain here. We will have to examine you, hopefully resulting in an explanation for what you are and a solution for it."

Most of his words didn't even register in my brain. What I did hear, was the 'what' I am. Had it really gone that far? Had this 'ability', as this king called it, taken away the fact that I was human? Apparently I was a what, now. The thought scared me more than I would ever dare to admit.

Odin now turned to the blond man, who lifted his head to answer to his father. The king gestured him to come closer, and the both of them silently discussed something. I couldn't overhear a thing, until Thor loudly exclaimed something.

"She is to be treated as our guest, not our prisoner!"
That made me look up. I found both men staring at me, including a woman whom I hadn't spotted before. Her face was kind, her eyes worried. I couldn't tell for who.

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