Chapter One

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"Come on, hurry!" I heard as I ran to the train.

I caught the train every day and I enjoyed it, as there were guys pouring in. I didn't know any guys.

"Morning" I said to my friends, standing panting like a dog, who has just chased a frizz-bee.

I met my friends Stella, Bailey, and Mackenzie on the train.

"Hey!" they chirped in unison.

The train ride consisted of nothing but celebrity gossip, as that is all is girls had to talk about.

As the train slowed to a halt, we stepped off, and headed up the hill together.

"Did you see 5sos' new vid?" Bailey said, smashing her hands into my school bag.

"We have!" Stella and Mackenzie were always up to date.

"No, no spoilers until I've seen it!"

Arriving at my locker, I found a note on the front. Nothing big, just some notice.

This mornings schedule consisted of Human studies, maths, science and double music. Honestly I hate science.

I met Alanah, my only friend in human studies and we headed off. Down three flights of stairs, along a corridor, and into the huge, and brand new library centre.

We sat, together in the second row, out of three.

"Good morning girls. We have a lot to get through today so let's get going.

As we have been studying social climates, I need you girls to construct a two month experiment to show how someone can change, emotionally, by being thrown into new social climates."

I need you to work on it now, and your experiment plans are due on Wednesday. You have these two days to plan so get a move on.

As Miss Shane dismissed the class, Alanah and said goodbye and headed separate directions.

This experiment projects tossed in my mind. I was in deep thinking mode when-

"You right?" Bailey tapped my shoulder from behind, making me jump.

"Yes, perfectly fine".

The rest of the day was normal, boring and everything we'd already learnt.

Nothing really sank in, and I couldn't think of anything for my project.

At the end of the day I was standing, chatting with my friends, waiting to get off the train when my brother gave me a call.

>Hey, Sam?<

<Yes Cooper, what this time?>

>Well you see, I forgot to bring in my project and I need it, for tonight's meeting with the principle. Do you think you can run home and scan it to me?!<

<Seriously? That's like the third one in two weeks, and mums is going to...>

>Sammy, please, I'll do anything<

I stood stagnant, thinking how I could use this to my benefit.

<Ok, only because your SCHOOL CAPTAIN, and you cannot afford this, you owe me. I have an idea in mind. Don't worry about it now, but tonight you better be the best brother ever.

I'll run home, should only be two mins>

>Thanks, please hurry<



I said bye to the girls, and jumped off the train.

As I sprinted up the hill, a sudden epiphany crossed my mind.

How about swapping some girls into a boys school and some boys to a girls? It sounded weird yes, but I had it all mapped out in my head within less than one minute.

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