Naruto raises an eyebrow at the information. "A war? How does he plan on doing that?"

"I'm not positive but I think he's planning to try and kill the heiresses of the Gremory and Sitri clan. I want peace among the factions and if this happens it will definitely mean war, so I want to ask a favor of you. I want you to make sure that the two girls remain alive until Kokabiel is dealt with."

Naruto thinks about it. On one hand, this Kokabiel guy is trying to kill Sona, sure they're having a bit of a problem but that doesn't mean he's just going to let her die. He may not get along with the Gremory girl but he won't just let her be killed either. On the other hand, he would be involving himself in foreign affairs which he has no business in.

"Though, this could work in my favor. A ten winged fallen angel and leader of their faction has to be strong. I just talked myself into it.

"I'll help you out on one condition," Naruto says

Azazel nods letting Naruto continue. He was curious as to what the boy would want.

"I want Kokabiel's corpse when you're done." He says

This was not what Azazel was expecting. He was sure the boy would as for money or women like any other boy his age. But instead, he wanted the dead body? What purpose would that serve him?

"Originally I was planning on having him captured and detained but his corpse is a small price to pay for your help."

"Make sure his corpse is in good condition. Meaning that his wings and body must remain intact. Beat him to an inch of his life for all I care, as long as he's not crippled and wings work we're good."

"That's acceptable. Once he's taken care of I'll have one of my men bring his body to you." He says as he shakes Naruto's hand. "Well, now that we have an agreement there's some business I must attend to. I'll keep you updated about when the tests will begin." He says as he heads out the door. All twelve of his wings appear and he flies away.

"Kokabiel will be a good starting point, he won't be a permanent addition but he will certainly help until I find the others. One down five to go." Naruto thinks to himself before closing the door.

-The Next Day-

Naruto is heading to his first class when he sees someone new. Its ravel, dressed in the woman's uniform. He approaches her with a smile on his face, he hasn't seen her since the wedding ceremony.

"Hello, Ravel-chan how have you been?"

She turns around when she hears the familiar voice. She turns slightly red when she notices that her crush is standing right beside her. Quickly composing herself she replies

"I'm doing well thank you. Oh, by the way, my brother told me to run any big decisions by you before doing anything."

Naruto nods at that and tells her that he needs to get going but he'll keep in touch. He proceeded to head to his class as planned. Along the way he noticed Sona walking in the opposite direction, in this case towards him. He simply nodded his head and said "Sona" and continued on his way.

He also noticed Rias and Akeno on a stairwell, they made eye contact and noticed her narrow her eyes at him. It seems she found out that he must have been behind her losing her position in Kuoh. Oh well, it's not like she could do anything to him so he turned his head and went about his day.

-Later ORC-

The two hooded figures had removed their hoods from their head to reveal two young women. One had shoulder length blue hair with a piece dyed green. The other had light brown hair in twin pigtails and turned out to be one if Issei's childhood friends. These two were Xenovia and Irina.

Naruto of the RinneganOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant