“N-no, I didn’t know we were going out on a date until you said it just now,” I said and picked at the threads on the ends of the jacket.

He shrugged and continued walking down the hall, when we were out of the dorms, he grabbed my hand and squeezed a bit tight and whispered, “don’t look but those assholes are to your left.”

I looked quickly, but didn’t turn my head and saw they were heading towards us. I squeezed his hand tightly and he looked over and saw them Rin pushed me behind him and glared at them, “what do you want, another beating?” he asked.

“No, we’re here to say sorry actually, I learned about ____’s little bruises and I wanted to say sorry to her,” the tall blonde smirked.

I stepped out from behind Rin and stared up at them, “is that really what you waited outside our dorm for?”

“Yeah, I heard I left bruises on your little breast and your arm,” he smiled. Rin growled and pulled me back against him and wrapped his arms over me.

“You’ll never be allowed to touch her, you hear me?” Rin snarled.

“Anyways, I’m Rikiya,” he leaned down to my face, “and I’m sorry for hurting such a beauty.” He smiled at me. I gave him a blank stare and he stood back up straight, “hope to get along with you guys soon, by the way,” he pointed to the other blonde and said, “this is Genta and this,” he pointed to the brown haired boy, “is Junya.” They both waved with smirks and Genta licked his piercing.

I shrunk into Rin more and he noticed so he took my hand again and we started walking away from them. I looked back and saw Rikiya smirking at me and he winked. I rolled my eyes and followed Rin to the gate of the school. We walked down the sidewalk and to the bus stop.

“So, where are we going?” I asked. He smirked and shook his head and smiled, “why aren’t you going to tell me?” I asked. He did the same thing. I rolled my eyes and laughed, “playing the silent game is for kids you know.”

He gave me an annoyed looked but still didn’t say anything. We boarded the bus and it took us to the next town over. He walked around and looked around a lot and frowned a couple of times. “Damn it, where is it?” he groaned.

“Where is what?” I asked. He put a finger on my mouth and looked around some more. He grabbed my hand and started walking really fast down an alley way. “I don’t think it’s safe down here, Rin,” I said, looking around at the dark alleyways we were running down.

“Shh, there’s a special place I want to show you,” he smiled.

“Okay, let’s get out of these alley’s soon,” I said. He continued walking and then turned a corner and dragged me out and we looked at sand and bright blue water. “Wow,” I whispered and looked up at Rin.

He smirked, “like it?”

“I love it, too bad I can’t swim in it,” I sighed.

“Why can’t you?” he asked.

“I didn’t bring a swim suit…” I looked down.

He started bringing me towards the water and we stood at the edge of it. I felt the cold water touch my toes and sighed happily at the peaceful sounds of the waves. I felt myself being lifted and opened my eyes to see Rin carrying me to the water.

“Rin, I don’t have a swim suit!” I said.

“I won’t let you get your clothes wet, don’t worry,” he chuckled. I looked down at the clear water and small fish began to swim around his feet. “They tickle,” he chuckled.

I giggled, “you like fish?” I asked.

“They taste delicious,” he smirked, showing his sharp teeth.

“I bet, considering you’re a shark,” I laughed and he rolled his eyes and started to walk out of the water, the fish swimming away and his feet glistening of saltwater as he walked out. He placed me down and we walked up to the side walk and he let his feet get washed off before he put his shoes back on. I washed off my toes and put back on my sandals.

Rin grabbed my hand and dragged me down the sidewalk and then through some more alleyways and we stopped at a restaurant. “This has my favourite food,” he grinned and we walked inside.

“Hello, welcome!” I heard a voice shout, we looked and it was a man cooking food behind the counter, “take a seat, beautiful people!” I looked at Rin and he smiled and we sat down at the counter, the chef made sushi and grilled fish right in front of us. “Rin, is this your new girlfriend?” the chef asked.

Rin blushed deeply and looked away, I blushed and looked down smiling, “I-uh, I’m not sure,” Rin replied.

I giggled and the chef gave us the sushi and the grilled fish. We started to eat and Rin was making silly faces and using the sushi pieces to make eyes. I giggled and asked Rin, “so there are swimming competitions going on soon, are you planning on competing in them?”

“The next one is in 3 weeks, we’ll have to practice a lot,” he said while chewing his food. I giggled and he scowled at me and I picked a piece of rice off his face, he blushed and looked away.

“Wanna practice with me until then?” I smiled.

He turned back to me, “nah, I was thinking of some other girl,” he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and threw a piece of rice at him. “Of course I want to practice with you,” he smirked and leaned in, “with more things than swimming.”

My eyes widened and I pushed him off his chair onto the pillows below us, “Yo-you pervert…” I said and looked up at the ceiling.

“I never thought a girl would hate to practice different styles of swimming,” he looked up at me and smirked, “I wonder what you thought of to make you call me a pervert.”

“No-nothing, finish eating, it’s getting late,” I said and started to munch on the sushi faster. Though I was thinking of some really dirty things with him. I blushed harder and glared at my sushi.

He chuckled, “whatever you say.”

He finished eating finally, we paid and said goodbye to the chef. When we walked out, we noticed the sun was touching the water and the sight was amazing. Rin patted my head and I looked up at him. He smiled and we waited for the bus to approach.

“We’re definitely going to swim in that water,” he said, “you should wear a bikini when we do.” My face burned and I buried my face in my hands, “c’mon, the bus is here,” he said. I looked up and saw the bus. I stepped on with Rin following behind me and it drove back to our town in front of Samezuka.

I jumped off and started walking towards the dorm when I heard a bunch of yelling going on, “better not be those idiots hurting Aiichiro again!” I sighed and ran to the noise and Rin followed after me. I stopped at the noise and saw three guys fighting with three other guys. I recognised the blonde, Rikiya, and his two friends.

“Hey! Kno-” I felt a hand on my mouth and looked to see Rin dragging me away very quickly. I slapped his arm away, “what are you doing, Rin?” I asked worried.

“I can’t have you get hurt again...” he said.

“Rin-” I started but I was pushed against the wall with a soft kiss, his hands trailed down my sides and held on tightly.

He broke off from me and held me in a soft, but firm hug, “I want you to stay safe, no more bruises, no more harm,” he said. He faced me and leaned down slowly and I leaned up to kiss him, our lips met and they stayed still.

My heart was pounding and I felt Rin’s hands go up to my face, he cupped my cheeks and left my lips shivering with happiness.

“Rin...” I said and he smiled at me shyly, he gave me a quick peck and turned to go to his room, opened the door and left me with a wink and I went into my room and quickly fell asleep.

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