Zalgo's Offer

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"Nowhere to run to now, brat!"

He yelled, smashing in the door even more. I panicked and smashed the half of the glass vase to a table, aiming at it to the guy as he broke the door open.

"You little bitch. You're so dead!" He exclaimed, lunging towards me and I plunged the sharp glass deep into his stomach.

Despite the blunt object in him, he didn't flinch or even acknowledge it and tackled me down. I struggle and kicking him, refraining him from harming me in any way.

He grunted in pain as I push the glass vase deeper into him. I took the chance to kick him off me and booked it through the door. However, someone just appeared in front of me and wrapped his/her's arms around me.

"That's not how to treat a guest. I'll take it from here, go do other tasks for the day." The guy said as the masked man turns into some mythical creature and walked out of the room.

"Thank y-..." I stopped mid-sentence, once I looked up to the guy in front of me. The guy was some black demon with red glowing mouths all around his body.

"No need to be afraid." He said, letting go of me and giving me space.

"Why did you bring me here?" I questioned, In caution, I watched his as I backed up.

"To save you from that friend of yours, Tim."

"But why?" Not believing what on what he has to say. I just have to escape this place.

"Let me show you." He said, reaching out a hand towards me and looking at me with that sick smile on his face.

I hesitated but accepted it anyway and we appeared in a bedroom and someone sleeping in a bed. In confusion, I waited for what he had to show me.

Soon enough, a guy like with the same feminine mask break in silently through the window and carrying a pipe. My heart sank as I watched him muffle the girl and raise the pipe over her.

Of course, I looked away, no way I was going to watch him kill someone.

"How do I know this isn't one of your hallucinations?" I asked, looking at Tim.

"You can see the outside, am I right?"

I glanced over to the window and see clear night and the neighborhood being shined by the bright moon. It was all real. I can't believe a demon is more caring than a murderer like him.

"What do you want with me, now that you've proven yourself?" I questioned as Tim stopped bashing the girl's head.

"Join me. You're better off with me, my Queen."

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