Chapter 7: The truth

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Robin's POV

I sigh as i hang up the phone with Kira. She was pretty much no help. Telling me that it will all work out and stuff. How can she be so sure? Starfire looked so happy being with Red Arrow and i don't want to ruin stuff between us considering how long me and him have been friends.

I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I wish she had just told me the truth about her and Red Arrow instead of basically blowing me off. I mean i have a right to know, right? Red Arrow is my best friend and Starfire is my ex girlfriend. I guess it is really none of my business though.

I sigh closing my eyes as images from when Starfire and I were a part of the Teen Titans flashes through my mind. From how we met to traveling to her planet and stopping her wedding to finally the day we got together. The last image is when I left the team because Batman needed me to join a bigger team and become Young Justice.

I jumped at the chance because I thought it was a better opportunity to expand and learn. Beast boy is the only person who kept in contact everyone else cut me off. I had broken up with Starfire before I left because I couldn't take her with me. We already had one alien on my new team and Batman wouldn't allow me to bring her with, so instead of making false promises I would return I had broken the tamaranians heart and walked away with a heavy heart. But being in Young Justice occupied my mind so I didn't thinks bout her a lot till she returned a couple days ago. Now it seemed like once again our fates were intertwined.

"Robin! Come in!" I hear my watch bark. I sit up pressing the button on the side of the watch.

"Robin here." I wait.

"Wonder girl here. Meet me at the old shipping docks. I think I have a new clue." She says.

"Roger that." I get up and race out of Bruce manor and hop on my R cycle racing towards the docks hoping this would distract me.

As I ride down the streets of Gotham, my mind wanders back to Starfire and Red Arrow. How did they even meet? The only way they would have met is if Starfire was here recently. But the question is when was she here last?

I arrive at the old shipping docks and park my R-cycle behind some large crates.

"Wondergirl?" I loudly whisper.

"Over here." I hear Cassie respond. I cautiously walk towards my left and see her under a window outside an abandoned looking shed.

"Whats going on? Did you call the rest of the team?" I ask.

"I figured if too many of us disappeared, our parents would get suspicious again." She shrugs and then nods towards the window.

I peak inside to see a tall girl with black hair pacing around. She stops as a large crate gets moved past her.

"We need a closer look." I say before pointing my grapple gun up.

She shakes her head, grabs my hand and shoots up into the sky pulling me with her. We silently land on the roof near an open skyline. We lean against the glass and i gasp as the black haired girl turns around.

"Blackfire!" I whisper.

"Whos she?" Cassie asks confused.

"Starfires older sister. Last time i saw her she was forcing Starfire to marry some ugly green blob." I shudder remembering the memory.

"What does she want?" She asks as we watch her interact. I slowly push on one of the pains and smile as it opens noislessly.

"Get these crates in here already!" We hear Blackfire command.

"You heard the lady! Move it!" I hear a gruff voice say. I can't place the voice but its familiar.

"As soon as build the machine, earth will be mine!" Blackfire laughs.

"6ou mean outs." The second voice clears his throat.

"Of course." She sickingly smiles.

"So how does this machine work?" The guy asks. Why is his voice so familoar?

"It has the power of persuasion, once powered with a special crystal that we have to retrieve from the fortress. Also dont forget about my alien help." She explains.

"The fortress of solitude? Good luck getting in there." Someone has to tell  superman and starfire.

I look at Cassie to see her about to sneeze. I quickly stick my finger under her nose but its too late. She sneezes sending us tumbling through the open window to the ground below.

"Ouch..." i groan sitting up to see Blackfire looking at me.

"Looks like we have guests." She smirls.

"Wondergirl get our of here!" I command turning to Cassie. She nods and quickly shoots up and through the glass which rains down on me. I cover my head and then turn to blackfire.

"Robin, good to see you again." She smirks before frowning. "Grab him."

Cassie's POV

I hover in the air and look down to see Robin get grabbed and dragged away. I have to get help.

I fly as fast as I can to our headquarters inside Mount Justice. I enter and quickly walk over to the giant terminal and push the red emergency button and watch as each team members icon pops up as they respond.

I pace around till they finally arrive.

"Whats the emergency?" Kid Flash asks arriving first.

"Everything okay!?" Supergirl asks as her and Superboy arrive next. I notice his devilish hair from sleeping and smile thinking he looks cute.

"Why did I get woken up?" Artemis asks arriving next with Red Arrow.

"What is the emergency?" Aqua lad is last.

"I am also here." We hear. We watch as Starfure walks over. She greets Red Arrow with a kiss. I scrunch my nose.

"Where is Robin?" Connor asks.

"That's the emergency...hes been captured."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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