Chapter 4: Sneaking out

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                I look around at the destruction around me and then back down at the lifeless body in my arms. I sob and gently lay the blonde girl down next to the redheaded girl. I look around to see all my team mates, friends and family…all dead. And it's all my fault. I let out a growl of frustration and punch the ground.

                "Pstt conner…" I hear. I look around.

                "Hello?" Where is the voice coming from?

                "Conner!" I hear the voice urgently say. I look around more. Suddenly I'm falling through the ground.

My eyes shoot open and I see Cassie staring at me. Wait…what!?

                "AHHH!!!" I scream. She puts her hand over my mouth. Yuck her hand tastes like lotion. I pry her hand off my mouth.

                "What are you doing in my room?" I whisper yell at her.

                "I can't sleep." she whispers back.

                "How is that my problem?" I rub at my eyes. Thank god that was only a dream.  I couldn't handle it if I was what caused the earth to end.

                "I was going to go for a walk want to come with?" she smiles brightly. In the moonlight streaming from my window she actually looks kind of beautiful.

                "Do I have to?" I groan. If we leave mom will ground us forever. Not to mention dad will have a fit.

'               "I guess not." she mumbles.

                "good." I roll over ready to go back to sleep.

                "Well okay..bye then.." I hear my door close.

Time to go back to sleep. I sigh. I can't sleep knowing that she's out there alone. I pull my covers back and silently get out of bed. I pull on some shoes and grab my black super boy t-shirt and pull it on. I then sneak out of the house and look around. She's nowhere to be seen. I shoot up into the sky and survey the neighborhood from above. Nothing. I decide to fly towards the park thinking that maybe she's there. A suddenly movement to my left makes me stop flying and turn. I see an object falling out of the sky I squint and see it's Cassie.

                "Cassie!" I yell and shoot towards her. Right before she hits the ground I catch her.

                "ugh…Conner?" she groggily asks me.

                "What hap-"

                "look out!" she looks behind me in alarm. I turn too late and something slams me in the face. I fly out of the sky and create a creator in the street. Fuck that hurt. I groan and sit up to see Cassie land next to me.

                "Conner are you okay!?" She asks me. I stand up and look around.

                "What the fuck was that?" I ask her. She points and I look in the direction of her finger to see a giant robot looking thing. Seriously? This late at night. or is it morning? I don't even know anymore.

                "What the heck is that?" I ask. She shakes her head.

                "I don't know but we have to stop it." She shoots up into the sky after the robot. I shoot up after her.

                "How do we stop it?" I ask as we fly towards danger.

                "I don't know." she says. Well she's a rookie. I fly past her and towards the robot. I slam it in the head with my fist and am shocked when it doesn't even seem to notice. What?

                "Conner watch out!" Cassie screams at the robot's fist comes towards me. I raise my hands to block the attack but am knocked to the ground landing in a tree. That's it. I fly out the tree, uproot it and throw it at the robot and groan when it isn't fazed by it.

                "What do we have to do to get rid of it!?" I yell at Cassie.

                "I have no idea." she shrugs. I sigh and push a button on the watch I'm wearing and wait.

Soon I see a blur of yellow running our way. Kid Flash.

                "What's….woah.." Wally says stopping underneath me.

                "Yeah." I sigh. I then see three more figure running/flying towards us. I see it's Robin, Artemis and Miss Martian. Oh great girlfriend alert.

                "There better be a good reason for us being woke up this early." Robin yells.

                "Yeah. that." Wally points to the robot.

                "Oh shit." Robin says.

                "How do we take it down?" Artemis asks already drawing an arrow from her quiver. I can see how she is Green Arrows daughter they both are armed and ready when they arrive on the scene.

                "We don't know." I fly down and land next to Megan.

                "Hi Conner." she greets me.

                "hey babe." I smile at her. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cassie frown.

                "Let's take this thing down." Wally says running towards the robot. We all nod and follow his lead. Before any of us can hit it though a green orb flies towards the robot knocking it down. We all stop running and look around. I see a blur of purple and green and then the robot explodes.

                "What the hell was that?" Wally yells as smoke fills the air.

                "I don't know." I shout back. As the smoke clears we see a redheaded girl standing there in a purple belly shirt, skirt and boots.

                "Greeting earthlings." she says. Robin goes white.


OOOO! new character! the plot thickens muhahahaha

Superboy: Son of Steel (on hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن