Find him and kill him

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Min-seo pov.

Hannah: "Where have you been?"

She asked the moment I entered the bakery.

Min-seo: "Oh, I just helped some kid in the woods."

Hannah: "What? What happened?"

Min-seo: "Well I was in the woods training my shooting. When I had put back my bow and arrows I heard some people. So, I kinda sneaked and saw a boy being surrounded by three men. I just went in there and got the boy out by pretending to be family. Those men didn't even think of attacking, while I really thought they would. I guess I look really tough."

I smiled, while she just rolled her eyes.

Min-seo: "Well, then, I just brought the boy home safely and came back."

Hannah just shook her head and walked away.

Hannah: "Hurry up. Hopefully we get to sell a lot before the day ends."

I sighed.

Min-seo: "Yes, I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and get medicine for my father. How is he?"

Hannah: "He was feeling down so he laid down for a while. I will come with you tomorrow."

Min-seo: "Thanks you are a great friend."

Hannah: "No problem. I wouldn't want to look for a new job if something happens to your father. It's already not going well for your bakery."

I nodded and we started our work.

King pov.

I just finished my breakfast when one of my guards walked in with a man.

Guard: "I'm sorry to disturb you my lord, but this man came here yesterday at night and wanted to talk to you. Since you were asleep, he decided to wait here the whole night so he could talk to you."

I looked at the man.

King: "What is it?"

Man: "I know you might think I am making this up but me and my friends have seen a Eodum-ui Agma in the woods yesterday."

My eyes shot up.

King: "That's impossible. They are all dead. My father himself killed the last one."

Man: "No, it's true. Me and my friends were in the woods yesterday and he attacked us."

Something was telling me to take this man seriously even though he was talking complete nonsense.

King: "Who knows about this?"

Man: "Nobody. I quickly came here, before telling anybody else."

King: "Good. We have to think of what to do next."

I said.

King: "Call everybody for a meeting. We have to discuss what to do next. And you will stay here. I have to ask you a few questions."

I said pointing at the man.

Min-seo pov.

Hannah and I left the bakery in the morning and went to get medicine for my father. Surprisingly we met a friend of Hannah and started talking with her.

Ji-hee: "Yeah we are also good. And you know what? My husband told me that yesterday some strange guy came to the caste and wanted to talk to the King."

Hannah: "Really? Just like that? Did they put him in prison?"

Ji-hee: "No I guess they let him talk with the King today. He didn't go away all night."

Min-seo: "And what did he want to tell the King?"

Ji-hee: "I don't know my husband wasn't there, but I can tell you, the King called everyone for a meeting after that."

Hannah: "It must be serious."

Ji-hee: "Yes and if it is, we will soon find out. Anyways, it was nice meeting you. I just have to go now."

Hannah: "Oh that's ok. It was good seeing you again. Good bye."

Ji-hee: "Bye."

After that, she left and we also decided to go back home.

Hannah: "What do you think is going on in the palace?"

Min-seo: "I think it's something about another kingdom or so. What else could it possibly be?"

Hannah: "You are right. I just hope there isn't going to be war. We don't need a war. It's already hard for us."

Min-seo: "Yes, let's just wait and see. Your friend would be the first one to find out what it's all about. And she would tell us right?"

Hannah: "Yes. But till then, let's go home, your dad must be waiting."

King pov.

Donk-suk: "And you think he is telling the truth? Your father killed the last one of them. This can't be true."

Said the one who was responsible for the knights with swords, while Hyun-jin was responsible for the ones with bow and arrows.

Hyun-jin: "And what if he is telling the truth and one is still alive. We have to take this serious."

Moon-sook: "And if we find him and kill him, then you will be the one who killed the last one of them and not your father."

Said one of the nobles.

Chi-won: "But how do you want to find that thing?"

The other noble one spoke. Then my counsellor decided to say something.

Jae-ho: "How we found the others."

King: "I think you are forgetting the story of my ancestors Chi-won."

I said looking at him.

King: "Let me remind you."

I spoke while standing up from my throne and started walking around the room.

King: "One of my great ancestors accidentally killed one of their kind and found out that he got stronger. To confirm his thought he killed another one. And it happened again. Since then it was a competition between all the following generations, who kills more and gets stronger. My great father did the ultimate strike and killed all of them at once."

I laughed a little while looking down.

King: "And if there is still one left..."

I looked at all of them

King: "Then it's my job to find him..."

They looked at me.

King: "And kill him."

I sent my knights out to find him.


Hey there, here's another chapter.

As always I hope u liked it ;)


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