Seasonal Changes

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I met you in the spring.
It was like I began growing.
Like the flowers when blooming.
And when the birds sang their tunes.

I fell in love in the summer.
It was like our love was on fire.
Like the world was ours.
And nothing could stand in our way.

I felt you pull away in the autumn.
It was like you were detached.
Like leaves from the trees when they began to fall.
And when the rose petals began to wilt.

You broke my heart in the winter.
It was like I felt my heart shatter.
Like the harsh cold wind that withered my soul.
And the fresh snow that smothered my every breath.

I begin to mend in the spring.
It was like I was finally healing.
Like the rain washed away my pain.
And as the world got its colors back, so did I.

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