Flowey the Flower

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(Hewo again~ I can't believe that I managed to update my story this week owO. Its a miracle! Btw as i said on the last chapter I'll write everything in past tense starting from now on. Enjoy!!)

3rd person pov

She was pretty surprised and happy to see her "friend", she kneeled down so she could easily communicate with the large yet short flower.

"Have you forgotten your objective?" Flowey asked. Despite the fact that he doesn't have a eyebrow, he still managed to squint his eye to make an angry expression.

The girl looked at Flowey with confusion, but giggled as she thought that Flowey looked cute with that espression.

Flowey felt humiliated. He stuttered: "S-shut up! Just a-answer my question, won't you?!" Now Flowey's face looked as red as a tomato.

She giggled again, but eventually stop as she was afraid that Flowey might go crazy.

She nodded her head gently, stating "yes" to Flowey's question. Flowey stared at her for a period of time, she also stared at Flowey, which made them creating an awkward situation.(pls no ship)

Flowey was getting more and more impatient, the girl just kneeled there, staring at Flowey with a face of "confusion" and "awkwardness". This time, Flowey squinted his eye even more and shouted:


The girl was petrified. She stared at him, her eyes was watery. Flowey panicked, but calmed downed as he sigh:

"Sigh... why don't we just move on? We are pretty closed to Snowdin Town, when we reached there, we can rest as much as we want, good?"

The girl smiled, nodding gratefully at him. She quickly dabbed her arm to wipe her tears off. Then she waved goodbye to Flowey, got on her feet and slowly heading forwards to Snowdin Town.

Flowey watched her heading her way until she's out of sight into the snowy path ahead. Flowey sighed of relief, then start digging into the dirt to catch up with her.

The looked at Flowey's face just now... has filled her with FEAR.

(Sorry guys, another short chapter, I have to get get ready for a few things, so I might write another chapter later as soon as I'm inspired enough nwn. Pls do remind me of any mistakes here. Thx for reading!)

Heya guys, I decided from now on, I'll make comics, since I can draw better than writing, I also saw people posting comics, so I think I should make comics too. I'm really sorry if I disappointed you guys. Hope you understand <3

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