Twins And Doubles {Ray}

Start from the beginning

Shade [🎤 ]

Phire🔥 [ wdym ]

⭐Evelyn [So, do we just share what we got at the same time?]

Emrya [Basicslly just say what you got right now]

Emrya [Yeah]

Emrya [Basicslly]


🌸JayBird🌸 [Oh, OK.]

Shade [Ready?]

Emily [Positive. Earth and metal.]

Phire🔥 [yeah.]

⭐Evelyn [I got positive results, and I'm a mix between Animal and Water.]

Shade [Oh we're just getting right to it then?]

Shade [Alright,,]

Emrya [I'm positive and light and life]

Shade [Earth and Metal??]

Shade [My brother got that too]

🌸JayBird🌸 [Positive, and I have air and fire.]

Shade [Negative.]

Phire🔥 [I'm positive too but for some reason I got Light and light]

⭐Evelyn [No you didn't, Shadeye..]

Emrya [YOU DID]

Emily [He's joking. Come on guys.]

Shade [Kidding.]

Shade [And Sapphire, I got two of the same ad well]

Emrya [Oh]

Shade [**as]

⭐Evelyn [I knew it. And that's strange, Sapphire. I kind of hope you get Light.]

I take this chance and quickly type into the group chat,

You [So what did you get]

It never really took long to get a reply, especially on an occasion like this. But every second it took for Shadeye to write felt like an eternity. The world would be ending by now.

Shade is typing ···

Any day, Shadeye.

Phire🔥 is typing ···

Shade [I got fire. Which makes me think both my parents had either a combination of fire and earth or fore and metal.]

Phire🔥 [You did too]

Phire🔥 [ ?? ]

Shade [**fire]

Phire🔥 [Cool.👍 ]

Emily [That's cool you guys.]

⭐Evelyn [I think you meant 'hot,' Sapphire 🔥🔥]

🌸JayBird🌸 [I have a chance of getting fire too]


You [Yayyyy]

⭐Evelyn [Woohoo! 🙌🌟👍]

🌸JayBird🌸 [🎊🎉🎊🎉]

Phire🔥 [I'll finally get to see my brother again]

Shade [I can't believe my brother made it]

Emrya [My bro didn't stay]

⭐Evelyn [I'll get to see mine too.]

Silhouette [Oh shut jp shade]

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