9 - Flight of the Blade

Start from the beginning

"Do you think they know we're here?" Andrin's voice shook.

Koren held up a hand, cautiously peeking over the grass. He shook his head slightly. "I can't be sure. There's nothing on the horizon."

I risked taking a look as well, raising my head so I could just barely see the rocks in the distance. Nothing. No black dots in the distance, no figures parting the grass.

I wasn't reassured.

Andrin wasn't either. "I don't feel anything in the currents, that's good at least right?"

"They probably know we'll see them in the currents anyway, so the horn just set us on edge."

"You feel anything Sed?"

I flushed and looked at the ground. "I don't... I mean I can't..."

"You can't see the currents anymore," Koren said bluntly. Andrin opened his mouth, eyes full of pity, but Koren cut him off. "The plan is still the same. Keep in cover, single file, head for the foothills. We have to assume the Ska'al are here too, and they won't be able to move as freely there as out here, especially with the Corvel soldiers slowing them down."

I was glad to fall in line and follow Koren's plan. The less I had to talk about being Solace, the better.

The grass grew patchy, fast, and soon only the rocks served for cover. We ducked quickly from one to the next, rushing across open spaces one by one. My eyes constantly scanned the horizon, but my main focus was keeping us heading in the right direction. The Animaré were both focused more on the currents than the rocks, knowing we could see our enemies that way before ever needing our eyes.

They did begin to find patrols, one crossing east-west, another coming toward us from behind, but the Animaré always steered us around, Koren softly calling out directions as we went. After the second group overtook us and passed by, there was another large gap in cover. I was ready to make a run for it when Koren stopped me, pulling a dagger from his pack.

"You're crossing every big gap first, by yourself. So if you see someone, anyone, you throw this. It's something you can afford to leave behind. You're attacked, you throw this... and you aim to kill." My fist closed around the dagger and he went on. "Then run. Run first, ask questions later."

"I know how to stay alive," I snapped.

"Just be safe Sedris." Andrin's voice was softer.

Thanks for the concern.

I tucked the dagger away and spun on my heel, taking off across the stones. It wasn't fair to leave Andrin hanging like that, but I was losing patience for this. Koren watched me take care of myself our whole lives, but suddenly now I needed treated like a child?

I know I'm not an Animaré anymore Koren, no need to rub it in. I shook my head. They're still relying on me to focus.

We kept at it for a few more hours. The flat plains started to tumble and roll, the boulder-littered landscape slowing our trek. The sky was tinged pink turning to blood red when we stopped in the mouth of a miniature cave. Ahead, a short shale incline led up to the biggest flat space we'd come across yet. Eight feet above our heads, the stone plateaued and stretched out, covered in shattered rocks and short shrubs, but zero real cover. It was maybe a mile across to rockier terrain, and the width was probably twice that. If we were going to be spotted at all before night fell, this was it.

Solace Curse: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now