Chapter [9] Back To Where I Came From

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You didn't know whether to stop running or not.

After you bolted down the opposite hallway you made it outside and into the forest. Not such a smart decision, considering all horror movies end badly in the forest, but it was better than staying where all the chaos was.

You felt like a coward but new you couldn't help the Days in any way you tried, considering you weren't trained at all.

You ran and ran. The dead leaves crunched beneath your feet as you passed through the forest.

The adrenaline pumping through your veins was enough to keep you running without running out of breath, which surprised you.  

Eventually, the running became too much for you, even if you didn't feel it. Your knees began to give in, and you fell to the ground with a thud, horrified. But you didn't hear anything, the woods were quiet with nothing but the occasional dog barking in the distance. You wondered if nothing had been chasing you from the beginning,  that nothing had been there to start with, that you were slowly growing crazy, that this myth stuff was slowly getting to your head.

You began to doubt everything until you heard a foul growl near by, the same growl you had heard back in the room. You got up in a panic, your (E/C) eyes darted around, trying to place where the sound had come from.

Your breathing hitched as you spotted the glowing, yellow eyes glaring at you from beyond the darkness. You struggled to breath as you heard it's heavy footsteps inching closer to you. Fear paralyzed you, you couldn't move your feet no matter how hard you tried. "Move...Move!" You pleaded. But it was no use. You could partially see the creature now, it's claws were like knifes, it's teeth were rotting yet sharp. It walked slowly, as if it were taunting you.

As tears pricked your eyes, fear began to cloud them.

Somehow, you were able to turn around. You sprinted off into the dark forest, hoping it wouldn't chase you, but unfortunately it did. You heard the piercing growl behind you.

You feared that if you turned around, it would get you, so you kept on running.

Your bag was becoming a hazard as you kept running. You pondered if you should let it go so you could run faster...but the pager, and all my notes!

"This is a life or death situation (Y/N)!" You told yourself.

Screw it! You began to take off your bag, but you felt your knee collapse causing you to fall down on the ground. You groaned in pain. Your whole body felt tired from the endless amount of running. You began to curl up in a fetal position, but you didn't hear anything around you. Like last time.

Had the monster been screwing with you?

Your mind hurt from all the thinking and lack of sleep, your eyes hurt, and your body was sore. You finally gave up and curled back against a tree. You looked at your pager and saw it was only 1:00 am. Tears began to form in your eyes.

You looked up and saw the night sky, filled with stars and the moon, which was odd coming from the city.

You decided you had enough, and shut your eyes.


















You woke up to the warm sun beating down on you. Your body felt tender, and mostly on your knee. The pain in your head was raging.

You tried to stand up and leaned on the tree. You felt fatigued from the amount of running and lack of sleep.

You began to look around your surroundings and realized you were leaning on a tree outside the facility you worked at. You were stunned and tried to walk towards the boring yet promising building, only to find your legs not wanting to cooperate, so you fell to the ground. The guard monitering the building seemed to notice you.

Before you could say anything you blacked out.








"Is it true she just appeared there?"

"No one saw her in the area before-hand."

"The security cameras hadn't even caught her either. She just...well...appeared there, as you said."

"There was a distress call made in the Days City, (Y/N) was visiting them at the time. Do you think it had something to do with that?

"Quite possibly. It explains as to why she has that large wound behind her knee."



You woke up in the chilly white room of the hospital. The pearly white walls and sheets made you think of the times you were here as a kid.

You wondered why you were here in the first place.

Your knee ached badly and your body felt numb.

"H-Hello...?" You mumbled in a hoarse voice.

A nurse suddenly popped in as if she had been waiting for you to speak up. "Oh! Hello Ms. (L/N), you're awake!" She sounded happy that you were. You smiled to her with a confused look. "You're lucky no nerves were damaged when you were attacked, but the wound was very deep!" She said in a preppy way. were happy no nerves were-


"I-I was attacked?" You sounded shocked. She nodded, giving you a confused look.

" don't remember?"


[aaaaaa I rushed it, I hope you guys enjoyed! Gn~

-- Stream]

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