Chapter [7] An Emotionless Emotion

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The directions from the supreme leader had been clear.

"If you will, bring Ms. (L/N) to my home to to spend the night after you give her a tour around the city. Bring her no later than 10:00 pm."

We had just finished the tests when Radiant Day and Unpredictable Day had been called in, so that left me with Emotionless day until the others came to give me a tour. "It'll be an extra bonus to the information gathered at Alone Traveler's world." Great Day had said to me over the radio. I supposed it couldn't hurt.

I messaged my supervisor and told him what happened, and that I was now at the Days City. He replied, a bit surprised, but would look forward to my final report when I arrived back home to Robloxia.

The room I was sitting in was sort of a small library, Emotionless had been reading not so far away from me, all quiet though. I held a book in my hand, the plot was sort of boring and had been done many times before, I didn't really care for it but read it anyways. I kept glancing at Emotionless, but he made no facial expression as he read his book. Just monotone, sort of like Alone Traveler, but less crazy and not on purpose.

I glanced at him once more, he caught my eyes and I shoved my face back into the book, a little flustered. "You want to ask me something?" He said in his toneless voice.

I looked back to him and back at my book. "U-Uh...n-no. I'm sorry, I-I was just curious..." I shrugged. He nodded but didn't respond.

I glanced at him once more before shuffling back into my bag. I placed my pager in there and awkwardly laid back into the chair. I glanced to the emotionless figure who continued reading. I decided to make some sort of conversation, "S-So uh...Emotionless Day?" Hearing his name being said, he lifted up his head, his eyes meeting mine. My face sort of became red because eye contact with people makes me flustered. "How...are..things going...ya'know...being an operative and stuff..?" I said awkwardly. He shrugged, "It's okay, it's nothing special. I don't feel anything, so it's just like everyday life I suppose."

I nodded with a 'huh.' We stayed in silence for a while.

"How...does it feel to have no emotion...?" I said, my eyes shifting awkwardly between the scratchy textured carpet to him. He partially shut his book. "It depends (Y/N)," He paused. "How does it feel to have emotion?" The bag shifted suddenly next to me, which startled me.

I began to think. "Well," I mused, shuffling my feet making a scratchy noise against the carpet. "It feels..a-annoying if I'm being honest... Feeling anger and lashing out at people, then feeling sorry that you lashed out. Fear...h-having this weird butterflies-in-your-stomach sensation when you like someone. Feeling sad...feeling...empty...being depressed..." I trailed on.

"Then, If I'm being honest. I'm sort of glad." Emotionless day spoke in a flat voice.

I tilted my head, "W-Well...I mean, surely you d-do feel some sort of discontent not feeling anything...right?"

"There is no 'discontent' to feel, when you can't feel anything." He remarked, monotonous.

I raised my finger, a breathy pre-word noise escaped my mouth, but I realized I had nothing to respond to that. I fell back into the chair with a defeated pout. The clock in the center of the room seemed to tick for hours, but in reality, it had been only a couple minutes. "(Y/N)." Emotionless day spoke up, making me perk up. "Hm?" I tilted my head. "Do you really think having emotion is annoying?" He questioned.

I stayed silent for a minute, "No...I mean." "People who do have emotions take it for granted huh?" He said, as if he were reading my mind. I looked into his eyes before looking away, "Yeah...we do..." I said sort of sadly, "Even though, it may be annoying, I never want to not feel emotion anymore."

"There are good emotions, like happiness and content..." I muttered.

" the best emotion to feel? your opinion of course." He said in a silvery voice. I responded in almost an instant, "Well...l-love of course."



"How does it feel to love?"

"It feels...warm...and cozy...but it's a crazy thing. I-I feel as if love differs from person to person, but what I know for sure is that special. a slightly odd feeling that makes you a bit giddy. Your heart will beat faster or you might find yourself getting jealous over silly things. It's like...a sort of happiness that you never want to go away, which you get when the person you love is next to you, either it be romantic or family related." You stopped once you saw Emotionless Day staring intently at you. You looked away, "But yeah...eheh...that' opinion." You chuckled, sort of embarrassed. A faint blush crossed your cheeks.

"It sounds...pleasing to feel, to say the least." He muttered, his eyes glinted with some sort of sadness, but his expression remained...emotionless. I wondered if he ever felt sad, but never really acknowledged it, considering emotions aren't natural for him. I suddenly felt sympathetic for him. He snapped you out of your thoughts, "Are you perhaps feeling hungry now?" Emotionless asked.

I felt a small rumble in my stomach and nodded contently. "There's a bakery just a short walk away from here. Care to come?" He said as he plopped his book on the table. I nodded, "Sure." I got up, but winced a bit. The area on my arm where the needle was injected into me was starting to get a tad bit irritated. "You okay (Y/N)?" Emotionless wondered. " arm, just hurts...I'll be okay.." I mumbled. He came over to me and examined my arm, his soft touch ran over my band-aid, I recalled how I almost had a mental breakdown over a small injection and cringed. "Want an ice pack?" He asked, his eyes flashed concern. I raised my eyebrow but smiled, "N-No, I'm fine! Really!" He shrugged.

"Lets go." He led me outside, we passed many civilians as we walked to the old-style bakery. The fresh bread smell made my stomach rumble. I chuckled awkwardly as Emotionless glanced at me.

Today has been eventful.















[I'm gonna be honest, I really liked the way this came out! I hope you guys enjoyed! I'm gonna go to bed now, gn readers. ^^

-- Stream]

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