Chapter [2] Cold

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(E/C) - Eye color

(alSO im basing their appearances on my designs for the myths aaAA, this chapter features Alone and Selozar wOOoo, I decided not to have Alone's broken language in here cause I'm afraid Ima lose my last 3 brain cells if I do. -- Stream)



The cold winter air brushed against my face as I looked upon the building in front of me. The area around me was monotone with small forest trees scattered in uneven places around the area. Small boulders dotted the area as well. The grey sky harbored even darker colored clouds, there were small cracks that would allow the sunlight to peak through.

My (E/C) eyes reflected upon the pager I lifted up to my face as I read the notes I had taken.

My supervisor had paged me a message early in the morning after I had checked into work. The notification alert had startled me and I quickly eyed the message.

"The group you have been assigned to for the week are AloneTraveler and SELOZAR. The whereabouts on ULEANRA are currently unknown, your current topic is to find out what happened to him."

The message had prompted me to be on high alert, who knows what had happened to the poor guy.

The gravel under my feet seemed to be a darker color as it combined with other rocks to form some sort of pathway to the front door. Some of the windows were covered with pearly white shades, and I could see some light seeping through the house. I could see the chimney turned on from the light, grey-ish smoke that ascended from it.

I took a couple steps forward, fighting the nausea that threatened to spill this morning's breakfast. "God...I am SO unprofessional..." I muttered to myself.

"Sure seems like it." Another voice had commented from behind me. I quickly turned around to find a young man leaning on a tree with an axe in his hand and small chunks of wood in the other. He was wearing a regular Robloxian cap, his black hair seemed to be lazily combed and his icy red eyes bored into mine. He seemed to examine me as I stared at him from afar.

"Y-You- Alone Traveler?" I had quickly jumped back. I had only ever seen him in pictures and videos but never in real life. He seems more tall and intimidating now that I see him up close. "You must be that guest those "Hunters" sent over." He said, he paid no mind to me as he picked up the rest of the wood logs and headed for the house.

It was then I decided to turn my voice recorder on, it was tucked away in the back pocket of my pants but would record everything clearly (I had tested it before).

"A-Ah! Y-Y-Yes I am." I was quick to follow him. "We rarely have any guests over anymore." He explained. I glanced to him but quickly put my focus on the front door, "Ahah...lucky me then."

He opened the door and let me in, the house smelled of ash and vanilla. A weird mixture I had never smelled in my life. The chimney was placed in the center wall of the room and sofas were comfortably placed on either side with a small coffee table placed in the middle. Stairs leaded to the second floor to the left and a door led to the kitchen and other rooms to the right.

I spotted the infamous sword Alone wields leaning on the wall far to the right behind one of the sofas.

"You can...make yourself comfortable here." Alone Traveler said, pointing to the soft looking couches. They were a dark grey color. I nodded silently and trotted my way to one. I sat down and examined the room awkwardly. I didn't know what Alone was doing in the other room, I didn't want to peek and have him kick me out, making me lose this chance at becoming a high-rank.

The silence was met with the soft crackling sound of the fire.

I shuffled my feet awkwardly and took out my pager from my bag, I decided to quickly write some notes before Alone would come back. I softly typed on the screen, making sure to make it as professional as I could because my supervisor would be seeing this later. Around this time I began to wonder were Selozar was. He hadn't made an appearance yet and I wondered if he had been hurt too? What if the same thing that happened to Uleanra happened to him?

"We don't know what happened to Uleanra though." I reminded myself in my head.

"Hello...?" A soft voice from behind me spoke up. I jumped and almost dropped my pager, "I-I'm so sorry!" He said shrinking back. I turned to face him, "Speak of the Devil." I thought.

"It's fine...d-don't worry about it Selozar." I assured him. I placed my pager in my bag, I wanted to ask Selozar a few questions about Uleanra.

"Selozar." The cold voice sounded from the opposite direction.

My eyes quickly widened as awkwardness laid thick within my view. "O-Oh right...he's abusive towards him." I quickly remembered in my head. "Come now." Alone ordered the boy, Selozar seemed a bit younger than Alone, I noted. Selozar's eyes glinted with fear as he did what he was told and followed Alone. "A-Ah uh wait. I need to head to the bathroom.." I said. Alone looked a tad bit annoyed, "We have unwanted guests on the bottom floor one, go to the one upstairs."

I nodded, didn't even give me directions. How rude.

Wait- Unwanted guests?

My mind began to race as I quickly headed upstairs. I examined the rooms from the outside. The room that belonged to Uleanra I had seen from pictures was boarded up.

"Poor Uleanra..." I had said sorrowfully.

I peeked into other rooms, but only quickly, I didn't want to risk being caught. The last door of the hallway was the bathroom. I got in and shut the door and breathed in slowly a couple of times. I contemplated different ways to get the two myth's to give answers for the questions I would ask them. I wasn't the first myth hunter to visit this group. No doubt they would be careful with giving out information, at least Alone would.

I checked my pager. Only 20 minutes had passed, really??

This was going to be a long, long investigation.




[hellOoo people who for some reason read this. I have no idea why I wrote this but it soothes my fangirl nerves. AnywayS-
I have no idea who to focus the first part of this 'arc' on, so uh, comment if u want me to focus on Alone or Selo for the first part and uh yEah,

Can we get an F for Uleanra?—

[Edit 7/14/19: I have recently found out that Uleanra was not a good guy and should not deserve an F in the chat he's a meanie >:(]


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