long time, no see.

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jonny was also quite nervous. what if it was all awkward? what if she hated his personality? what if she thought he was ugly??? (bitch jonny/tom rosenthal is cute af btw we stan🤩) he went through countless possibilities of what could go wrong until he heard a ring at the door. oh shit.

"ohmygod. ohmdmgnyjfinfofjffk" jackie said. she started freaking out and ran to the door.
"ok it might be jim.."
the family all huddled close in the hallway ready for what was going to happen. jackie knew what zoe looked like, but had no idea what cassidy looked like now. nor did anyone else. she slowly opened the door and peeked out. it wasnt jim, thank god, but it was zoe. her in the flesh! they started screaming and hugged each other excitedly. they hadnt seen each other in years.
everyone just stared at them, weirded out.
after the ladies calmed down, zoe stepped back outside.
"cassidy, come inside!! do you wanna see the boys or not?"

"they look very handsome!" zoe shouted as the women laughed their arses off.
"im coming but the bloody car wont lock!!" cass screamed back. everyone heard her and it was so odd. they hadnt heard her in 3565845425 years. her voice was so different. it was clear and quite high, but very pretty.
they all heard a bit of banging, and then got a jumpscare when she started cussing as loud as a speaker on full blast.
"CASSIDY! LANGUAGE!! THINK ABOUT THE NEIGHBOURS AROUND HERE!" zoe looked back at the family and rolled her eyes about her daughter.
"im so sorry. can i help her with this for a moment?"
"of course doll, bring her in whenever you're ready! do you want me to put the kettle on?" jackie said.
"yes please, thanks!"
so far the boys hadnt seen any of cass. they were too anxious to even look out. jackie made her way back to the hallway.
"are you done yet love?"
"yeah, sorry about that! it wasn't that bloody hard, was it cass?"
"calm your fish tits," she replied making the family giggle. she came up to the door with a bouquet of flowers for the family. jackie was blocking the view which annoyed the boys.
"oh my goodness.. cassidy!!" she wrapped her in a big hug.
"jesus christ! you look absolutely gorgeous! you look so different from the little cass i remember!"
jackie, zoe and cass giggled.
the boys were getting a little frustrated though. they hadn't seen cassidy yet.
"boys, say hi to cass!"
jackie got out of the way and showed cass to the boys. cassidy smiled shyly. she was shaking right there in front of everyone. she glanced at the boys and they looked kind of the same, but more manlier if that makes sense. jonny was still as attractive as ever though! she realised that he had actually gotten quite tall, but adam stayed the shortie he was before, which she loved. she was secretly hoping jonnys hair was as soft as it was years ago. she loved playing with it and annoying him.
adam went up to her and gave her a big hug and greeted her. it was so weird seeing eachother again. it had been years and you couldnt predict what they were all going to be like.
then there was jonny left. he stared at her for a few seconds. she looked different, but also the same. she didnt exactly look more mature though, still quite cute. her braces had been removed, which made her look a lot different as a whole, as they used to do many things with her braces and call her nicknames because of them (which she knew was a joke.) for example, the boys learnt how to do hairstyles by taking her brace bands out, washing them, and using them as hairbands for her hair.
she had only grown a few inches since they last saw her, but to jonny she seemed tiny as he had grown a lot taller. 

she still had her cute dimples.
she still had her wavy black hair.  
she still had her freckles scattered all over her body.
she was still the same cassidy as before. 

they walked quickly to eachother after admiring each of their looks and had a bear hug, huge smiles taking up their faces. 

they then got lost in eachothers eyes and daydreamt (is that even a word uhh) for about 10 seconds.
they then snapped out of their daze and blushed.
adam cringed behind their back.
fucking hell, this is like a really cheesy rom com in the flesh he thought to himself.

zoe and jackie exchanged a look with eachother and tried to contain their happiness. 

"well lovebirds, do you want to make your way to the lounge?" adam said.
"fuck off pusface"
"pissface, cunty cass," he replied and took a bow.
cassidy raised her brows and grinned. she hadnt heard that nickname in ages. it gave her a wave of nostalgia. 

the youngsters all held their ears as they walked into the lounge whilst their mums were laughing as loud as a million airhorns. (aka a nightmare)
jonny flopped onto the sofa and adam sat on him. they fought whilst cassidy watched and giggled. it was just like the old days, except they werent bawling their eyes out and telling a jackie with her gin and tonic every 5 seconds about their argument.
when the boys calmed down, zoe spoke up.
"well cassidy, dont you want to sit next to jonny? stop being so anxious!"
"mum, i do know how to bloody sit down somewhere, thanks," cass replied.
"jesus, ok! please dont be moody for once"

so hormonal sometimes  zoe muttered.

as cassidy plopped herself on the sofa, she gave a glare at her mother.

"wow, i cant believe this is happening! cassidy, i must say, you are a beauty! youre like a model!" jackie told the young woman. 

she blushed wildly. it wasnt a REALLY intense compliment. 

"get ready for stuttering galore," zoe said quietly.
cassidy glared at her mother.
"well no, im not going stutter because when i do i look cringe as fuuuu...
zoe gave her an angry look
... dge. fudge. " 

zoe took a sigh of relief. she wasnt going to have cassidy cussing every 5 seconds like she did at home.
"but jackie, your boys are VERY good looking too!" zoe said with a smirk. again, laughter filled the room.
"ok mum, no need to be weird. remember theyre about 20 years younger than you."
"such a party pooper."
cassidy mimicked her in a rude tone. 

"but be honest cassy sassy, dont they look handsome?"
"handsome?? mum are you from a fairy tale or something?" cassidy laughed.

"okok, yes they do look very n-nice," she said quietly.
god, im so ridiculous she thought to herself.
during the exchange between the women, adam and jonny were chuckling the whole time, but now they were seriously flushing. 

but also during the whole reunion, martin was in the dining room, in the corner, on his spare calculator he had sneaked out of jackies handbag. they never realised before jonny had asked where he was.


sorry if my stories are crap im trying omg i have no motivation and my adhd always kicks in and i start raging at my screen but i wanna get this finished ok bye fr now

btw working on chapter 3. its shit atm😙☺️💕✨


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