Chapter II: Ericson's Academy

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Clementine's P.O.V
"Ooh! Oooh ooooh ooh, needless to say I ep uh eh.. hmmmmm hmm- nevertheless calling it quits now, baby I'm a wreck, hmm hmm hmm hmm baby your a wreck, Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh.." I hear my dad calling out to me. "Clementine. Clementine! CLEMENTINE! CLEMENTINE!!"

Hearing him yell startled me, so I take off my headphones. "Yeah, yeah?!" I say. "Are you finished packing for school?!" I look over at the mess behind me. "Yeah..." I say. I then start grabbing my stuff and start packing it up. I keep on hearing my parents yelling at me as I dress up. I exit my room, but notice my laptop is missing.

"Where's my laptop?!" I yell out. I keep on hearing my parents talking but I ignore it. "If you want me to drive you, we need to go now!" I hear my dad yell. I then say, "No no no no, I'll walk." I accidentally bump into my Mom as I quickly start eating.

"Clementine, gotta go!" My Mom says. "In a minute!" I yell out. "Gotta go..!" My mom says again. "In a minute!" I exit the house with my Mom. She gives me a big kiss on the cheek as I tell her I need to go. "In a minute!" She says. She let's go and I begin walking down the stairs. "See you on Friday!" My mom yells to me.

I begin walking down the sidewalk. I notice some friends and we quickly talk to eachother.
I see my friend Sarah. "How's that new school?" She asks me. "Oh, easy." She then responds with, " We'll miss you, Clem." "You miss me, I still live here! Wait, you miss me?"

I continue walking as I keep on placing 'Hello! My name is' stickers on signs and some other things. I push my luggage closer to the road as I jump. I then trip on my shoelace as I fall into the middle of the road. I notice my dad's car, stopping right next to me. I then groan at the sight of it.

I enter my dad's car, he then starts driving. "Seriously, Dad, walking would've been fine." He then responds with, "You can walk plenty on Saturday when you peel those stickers off." I then respond with, "You saw that? I don't know if that was me, Dad." "And the two from yesterday on Clinton." I then start to speak truthfully. "Yeah, those were me." He then tries to start conversation with me. "Woah, another new coffee shop, you see that Clementine?" "Totally, yeah." I respond as I put my elbow in front of the window, putting my head on my hand. "You see that one? What's that one called?" My dad says. "Foam party." I say. "Foam party?" He then begins to laugh. "Come on, everyone is just lining up, you see that Clementine?" "See it." I say. "Is that a coffee shop, or a disco?" My dad says. "Dad, your old." "Old?"

I then notice a news report about Spider-Man. The news states, "There are multiple reports of another mysterious earthquake last night. Sources close to Spider-Man say he's looking into the problem." My dad then notices them to. "Gah, Spider-Man. I mean this guy swings in, once a day, zip-zap-zop in his little mask and answers to no one, right?" "Yeah Dad, yeah." "Meanwhile, my guys are out there, lives on the line, no mask, you know we show ourselves!"

I then notice Minerva and Gabe, with their group. "Oh no, Dad Dad speed up, I know these kids!" My dad doesn't answer and he just keeps on talking. I hear him say, "With great ability comes great accountability!" "That's not how the saying goes, Dad!" I hear him talking more, but I ignore it. I notice the group of kids getting closer to the car. I get low and cover my head. They all start taking pictures of me. "Oh my gosh, don't cops run red lights?!" I say annoyed. "Oh yeah some do, but not your Dad."

Finally, the light goes green and my Dad continues driving. I look out the window and notice the school. There are a bunch of other kids near the entrance, holding books and talking to friends. "Why can't I go back to Brooklyn middle?" I tell my dad. "Clementine, you given two weeks, we're not having this conversation." "I just think that this new school is... Elite's, and I would prefer to stay at a normal school, among the people!" "The people? These are your people." "I'm only here, because I won that stupid lottery." "No way, you passed the entry test just like everybody else ok? You have an opportunity here, you want to blow that, huh?! You wanna end up like your Uncle?" "Uncle Javi? He's a good guy!" He then starts to do a 'Dad lecture'. "We all make choices in life." "Life doesn't feel like I have a choice!" "YOU DON'T!" 

I begin to exit the car. I open the door next to my dad and I grab my things. "I love you Clementine." "Yeah I know Dad, see you Friday." My dad then gives me a look. He then turns on his megaphone thingy and the cars sirens go off. "You gotta say I love you back." Everybody is looking at the car. "Dad are you serious?" "I want to hear it." "Dad, you wanna hear me say it?" "I love you Dad." "Your dropping me off-" He then cuts me off. "I love you Dad!" "Look at this place!" "Dad I love you." I then do a big sigh. "Dad, I love you." I say. "That's a copy." Everybody is looking at me and laughing. "Tie your shoe, please." My dad says. I ignore it and enter the building.

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