"Sorry, I'm waiting for my little Red Riding Hood" Preston who had come dressed as Robin Hood said.

"A knight it is then"

Gripping her glass harder, Lisandra smiled "Oh Emilia thank you for worrying about me but I'm sure I can find another prince somewhere in this crowd. Don't worry, I'm not in the habit of stealing"

"That's good to know love. Enjoy the party. Max and I have to call our son before he goes to bed so if you will excuse us" turning around, she pulled Max with her, leaving Lisandra standing there alone because Preston had also left. When they were a few feet away, Max leaned in and asked

"Who's insulting guests now?"

"You think I was insulting her?"

"Oh no. You two were having a very civil conversation. But don't you think using Zander as an excuse was a little mean?"

"I wasn't using him. We really have to call him"

"Why? I thought you said he would be perfectly fine with your friend?"

"He is. To him Thea is the cool aunt who can never do anything wrong. But I promised to call him and tell him how the party was going or he'll spend the night worrying"

"You could have just told me that in private. You didn't have to say it in front of Lisandra"

Stopping outside the study, Emilia spun around "Are you feeling sorry for your little mistress? If so, feel free to go and comfort her. I will talk to my son alone"

"Damn it Em, I am not defending her...."

"Leave me alone Max. I'm done with your stupid party. I'll call Zander in my room then go to sleep too. I'm already tired"

"Oh no, no, no. You are not going anywhere. I still have one more thing to do tonight and if I have to drag you back to that party, I will"

"What are you.....ahh!" she yelped when he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder "Max, what are you doing? Put me down"

"Do you promise to behave?"

"Behave? You moron I wasn't misbehaving. Shouldn't it be my choice whether I want to call it a night or not?"

"Not really. You're the guest of honor and leaving the party halfway is just rude" he said spanking her. Feeling her anger rising, she started beating on his back with her fists.

"Put me down you're embarrassing me"

"We're married Em"

"So what?"

"I still have rights over you. So stop fighting me in front of our guests"

"Dearest Prince, are you kidnapping your own princess?" Preston asked as they passed him. Laughing, Max said,

"Something like that"

"Aaww how sweet. You are the luckiest woman on earth Emilia. You should be thankful" he was making fun of her. She gave him a glare that promised retribution later.

"Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please?" Max announced putting her on her feet. Huffing, she smoothed out her dress and hair.

"Whatever you're up to I suggest you drop it before I embarrass you" she said through gritted teeth.

Ignoring her he continued "As you all know, this party is for my wife Emilia. I didn't have the chance to introduce her back when we got married so I'm doing it now"

"Why? I'm sure we all know who she is and that she left you not long after you married her. Right?" Lisandra asked stepping forward. Her comment had people murmuring. Some agreed with her while others asked why she even came back.

"You are right Lisandra, she did leave" Max turned to face her. To her surprise, he took her hands in his and looked straight into her eyes then said "But it was my fault. I wronged her and Emilia had every right to leave. I should have been there for her when she needed me. Instead I was out working and neglected her. For that I am so sorry. You would never know how much I regret leaving you alone"


"No, let me finish. Whatever happened nine years ago was all my fault. When I married you, I promised to protect you but I went back on my word. The time we were apart wasn't enough punishment. I don't know what I can ever do to make it up to you and Zander but I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. So here, today, in front of all these people, I want to ask you for forgiveness and if it is possible to renew our vows. I've learnt my lesson Em and this time I promise to be a better husband and father. So please give me a chance"

"I.... I...." she was at a loss for words. Max had taken all the blame in front of his friends. This was the same man who had wanted to strangle her when she first showed up. He was repenting and asking for a second chance. What was she supposed to say especially in front of all those people?

That she was still angry and wanted him to suffer more or that she didn't love him? Because it wasn't true. Every time they went to sleep, she was a little tempted to go back on her words and let him go back to bed. Every time she saw him with Zander she wondered what it would be like if they had another baby. Maybe a little girl to complete their family. But then she would remember what she went through while he was busy sleeping around with Lisandra and her anger would come back full force.

Although, she couldn't deny that he'd stood up for her today. With his mother's friends and just now with Lisandra. Did he deserve a second chance? Was she capable of giving him her heart again?

"Come on Em, say yes so that I can officiate this wedding" Preston yelled from among the crowd. That incited the other guests who started singing 'say yes'.

"So? Are you willing to take me as your husband again? I will be at your beck and call"

"Saying yes is easy Max. The real question is if I can trust you"

"I know it will take time before you can trust me again. I won't rush you. Even if it takes forever, I'll still wait"

"Playing hard to get?"

"Shut up you idiot" she told Preston. He grinned at her saying,

"If you don't want to accept his proposal then don't keep us waiting. I'm sure half the ladies in here would love to be in your place"

"I'll take him" a woman standing at the back yelled. Another one said,

"I won't mind being his second wife"

"I'd like to see either of you try" she snarled and instinctively moved to stand in front of him. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he asked,

"Should I take that as a yes?" maybe she was too weak when it came to him. It would be easier if she could put up a wall between them but she couldn't. Whatever she felt for him was too strong.

"Yes. I won't let another woman get close to you ever again"

"Alright then, let's get this party started people. I will officiate this wedding since the internet ordained me. I charge ten grand per hour" Preston walked towards them rubbing his hands together.

Snorting, Emilia said "We're already married which means we don't need you"

"She's right Nash. We are already married" Max replied spinning her around. Then his lips were on hers. The last thing she heard was people clapping and Preston complaining about how stingy they were before she let herself get carried away by the kiss.


Lucky for all, I decided to update both  chapters today so you don't have to wait.

The next chapter is mature so if that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable or you're not old enough then I suggest you wait until Monday's update.

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