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I woke up in the morning, and realize I had a phone call from Christian while I was asleep. I must have been really tired to not listen to my phone ringing, I thought to myself.

But why was Christian calling me in the early morning hours? I started freaking out. What if something bad had happened to them...

I knew it was pretty late in California, but I couldn't wait, I had to make sure they were fine.

I decided to call Mitchel, but he didn't pick up his phone, and that made me really anxious, so I knew I had to call Christian as well.

"Hello!" a female voice sounded through the speaker.

"Um hi.. Is Christian there?" I asked.

"Yeah he's here, oh, and I'm Gates in case you didn't recognize my voice!" the girl said and I furrowed my brows.

"Oh wow! Hi there Gates!" I exclaimed and laughed.

"Hey, Christian's back in the room btw, so there ya go!" I guess she gave the phone to Kras, cause his voice echoed through the speaker soon enough.

"Misty? What's up?" He hesitantly asked.

"Everything's fine, stop freaking out... It's just.. I saw your call, and then tried to call Mitchel but he didn't pick up, and I started panicking. Are y'all ok?"

"Yeaaah we are all ok! I'm with Gates right now in her apartment, but the boys are fine, don't worry! I bet they're just sleeping.." he said and made me feel relieved.

"Hm...I see you two lose no time!" I smirked.

"Well, I mean we went on our first date today, and then I wanted to run away from your crazy boyfriend and decided to come here."

"That's so cool, I'm happy for you two! But what did my boyfriend do to you?" I asked.

"He's just stressed by making new music, and writing lyrics all the time, and he acts like a diva every now and then.... So, be gentle with him!" he exclaimed and then I decided I had to end our call, and let the guy get some sleep.

"Anyway, I'll let ya 'sleep' now!" I said and chuckled.

"Of course we're going to sleep, stop being a perv Misty!!!" he exclaimed acting shocked.

"Yeah yeah! Talk to ya later! Goodnight!"

"Have a nice day Mist!" Christian said and with that we ended our call.



I woke up and the first thing I did was to go outside my brother's bedroom and start banging on his door, I heard him cursing before opening, then I walked in the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"My phone.. Isn't it obvious?" I said.

"You will never get it back if you don't get rid of that stupid attitude!" he said and I started getting annoyed.

"Fuck you.. Whatever!" I exclaimed and left, then I heard his door closing.
I'll just break into our office, I thought to myself and smirked. I found an old credit card and after a few tries I made it in the room.
I took my phone and saw I had a missing call from Misty. I had to speak to her.



The day went by easily, I spent most of the time with Dom, but then he had to leave, so I just stayed in, and waited for Mitchel to finally reach out to me. When my phone started ringing, I ran to get it and checked the called ID. It was really him that was calling me.

ROCKIN' N' ROLLIN' - MITCHEL CAVE (Chase Atlantic)  ✓Where stories live. Discover now