Dealing with fathers

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On a comfortable cell deep inside a state-of-the-art prison, Shigaraki Tomura woke up to a new day of being extremely bored. His cell included a bed, a walled off bathroom and even a small sitting area, with a TV and a gaming console. Prison was somehow the best thing to happen to Shigaraki in quite a while. He could lounge around, play games to his heart's content, he could request any book he wished. He had clean clothes, hygiene products, and best of all, the prison had fitted him with a special pair of gloves, that covered the thumb and two of his fingers, stopping a five-finger grip from dissolving things! The gloves' inventor had even given him an hour-long explanation of the materials one of the Heroes had made for her, how through Quirk analysis she had designed the "babies", a fifteen-minute tangent about explosions, and another twenty minutes explaining the logo weaved in the material "Hatsume Industries".

But for Shigaraki, the best of the best were the visits he was allowed. One visit a day, All Might; Izuku Midoriya; Inspector Tsukauchi; the psychotherapist, the hero All for One had rendered quirkless, Ragdoll; the hero that had caught him at the Tartarus escape, Nejire Hadou. He remembered their first meeting with a small smile, things had changed a lot in a little over a year.

Tartarus was perhaps the best defended installation in all of Asia. It would have been much easier to steal a nuclear submarine and nuke a country, but then again, All for One on the loose was quite a bit more dangerous than a nuclear threat. Before being presumed dead after fighting All Might, All for One had been number two on international "Most Wanted" lists, just after the African warlord and villain Ndege Mweusi, who had created his own state in the heart of Africa and gone to war with the USA. On the third through sixth spots on the lists were different proxies and associates of All for One, on all continents.

Of those only one remained, a person only known as Pestilentia, operating in Europe. Shigaraki had tried getting Pestilentia's help to bust All for One out of prison, unsuccessfully. With no help coming, Shigaraki used every resource he still had.

Kurogiri had been captured, so he had replaced him with the closest replacement Giran could find them; Ujiko. Shigaraki still had forty-three Nomus, but none were as strong as High End or the USJ Nomu. Dabi's fire burned ever stronger, Spinner had become a strong warrior, Twice had much more control over his mind and clones, and Toga seemed to "remember" combat skills from out of nowhere. A short campaign of discreet robberies got them funds and weapons, and Shigaraki was able to hire enough mercenaries to finally assault the prison, from the Praying Mantis Private Military Company.

The attack took place on January 13th, at sunrise. Two helicopters filled with the shady American mercs Shigaraki had contracted would rappel onto the prison roof, covered by two attack helicopters, while an armoured vehicle attacked the bridge entrance. Another chopper carried the League of Villains, ready to exploit the diversion the mercs would create and get inside.

The battle started when the armoured vehicle rumbled on the streets, racing for the prison's bridge. Its main gun, an anti-tank canon, firing at the security checkpoint with explosive ammunition. From a few miles out, the merc helicopters readied and flew out to play their part. In just a few minutes, the security force on Tartarus was engaged on the front and from above, police and heroes fighting fire with fire against the mercenary force. The call for backup had been sent immediately, and the heroes had to be on the way.

As Shigaraki's helicopter landed on the corpse-riddled roof of Tartarus, the League got to their positions. Mr Compress would take a forward position on a city building and stall the heroes' air transports. Dabi glided down onto the bridge propelled by his flames, Spinner gathered a squad of mercs around the busted anti-aircraft guns of the roof, and the rest split to breach the inside of the prison. Toga and Twice would clear the top floors, while Shigaraki and Ujiko would melt the floors and clear the lower basement. The fighting was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

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