Dear Diary

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Dear Diary
I've been getting headaches lately. And I can still remember a little bit of my past. But its still confusing. And I think I've fallen for Hoseok. But, I know he wont ever love me back what should I do. ~Y/N

I close my diary and went to sleep.

When I wake up I open my diary to write something. Its the diary my grandma gave me before she died. But before I wrote something I saw something weird.

Dear Y/N
I know it's hard to keep and know your own feelings. But if you think you like him confess, or you could do what I did. Kiss him. I kissed the boy I thought I liked and it felt right. Then I knew I liked him and he liked me too.~Diary

I close my diary its strange but I think my Diary is right. I get a paper and Right a love note.

Dear Hoseok
I know this is weird but I think I like you. Im not even sure of my own feelings. But is it wrong to like you. I dont think it is but I'm sorry for liking you~Y/N

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