The God's pupils darted over to look at the mortal, his mouth twisting into a small frown. " is rather sudden. But he seems quite genuine in my opinion..." He gave a small shrug, gripping onto his hand momentarily. "Just relax, I'm sure we'd be able to take him down if he suddenly lashed out at us."

Killer growled softly under his breath but squeezed his hand back, giving a small nod. "Fine. But if something goes wrong, I'm blaming you."

"Sure." He snickered, turning back to face the mortal with his hand still intertwined with Killer's. "Alright, we're going with you."

He blinked, nodding softly as he stared at their hands with a small smirk forming on his face. "Perfect. I hoped you'd see my way."

Killer frowned and noticing his stare, gently pulled his hand away from Dream's. He did feel a slight pang of guilt as Dream shot him a hurt look in response, but something about this mortal really put him on edge. "Hey, what's your name?"

"Hm?" He looked over at them, the candle flickering and illuminating his facial features. "Oh me? Just call me Cross." He offered a weak smile, his free hand slipping into his hoodie pocket.

Dream nodded, slipping out of the rusty cell door and into the wide dark dungeon corridor. "Well then, Cross, I hope you know what you're doing."

"I've only been allowed free access around the castle for just about a week, so I don't know everything off by heart. But I know how to get to your soul from the dungeon exit, don't worry." He heaved the giant double doors open, glancing up the stairs before quietly slipping up them.

Dream and Killer followed slowly, their pupils darting about warily at every minuscule sound that rang out. Even the sound of their breathing sounded so loud against the cold brick walls. "What time does the castle start waking up...?"

Cross glanced back at them, his expression slightly anxious. "Less than an hour... I hoped we'd have more time, but your friend kept faffing."

"You little--" Killer hissed before Dream pressed a hand over his mouth, shaking his head.

"Don't. You'll just get us caught if you argue over pointless nothings. Now c'mon."

"Tch." He rolled his eyes, his mouth twisting into a scowl as he followed the small mortal down one of the dark corridors. "What's it like hooking up with a God?"

Cross almost stumbled, choking on air as he looked back at him. "Excuse me?"

Killer shrugged, ignoring the embarrassed look Dream gave him. "It's got to be different from normal couple stuff, right? What was it like?"

"I-I--" He fumbled, seeming to have difficulty finding his words. "W-Well I've never been in a normal couple, so I wouldn't know..."

"Jesus Christ, what are you, twelve?"

"No? I'm eighteen."

"Oh god, you're eighteen. And what's Nightmare? Several thousands of years old?" He snorted, holding back laughter.

"Oh wow you're so funny." He hissed, peeking round a corner before walking across through a large doorway. "What are you? Twenty? And what's Dream? Several thousand years old?" He mimicked, copying Killer.

"Not sure why that would matter." He said, glancing over to Dream only to see that the smaller's face had gone slightly yellow. "Uh."

"Yeah genius, you're blushing as well." Cross said, speeding up as he walked.

"What?" Killer reached a hand up to touch his face, only to be surprised when he found it was rather hot. "I Uh..."

"L-Let's just keep going." Dream said quickly, speeding up to walk by Cross' side instead of staying by Killer.

"Hey, Wait!" He yelped, hurrying after them.

"Shut it." Cross said. "We're getting close."

Dream looked around, pressing a hand against his chest doubtfully. "I can't sense it..."

"Yeah, Nighty- Nightmare put sensory blockers around it, thinking you'd be a pest and sense it etc." He coughed, sounding rather nervous.

In fact, Killer noted how he'd started fiddling with his fingers a lot, his palms seeming sweaty. "...You okay?"

"Huh? M-Me? I'm fine." He said quickly, speeding up. "We're almost there so don't fall back now."

Dream and Killer cast each other wary looks, but still followed, narrowing their eyes as Cross pressed himself against a large set of wooden double doors. The surfaces were covered in deep carvings, depicting all sorts of patterns and images.

He constantly glanced back at the two before yelping softly as the door creaked open, sending him stumbling inside. "R-Right, here we go, it's just through here."

He slipped into the darkness, only the soft glow of his candle's flame visible.

"Let's go." Killer said, reaching down and gripping onto Dream's hand tightly before pulling him along inside.

The smaller stumbled after him, anxiety crashing down on him in waves all of a sudden. "Killer, s-something doesn't feel right."

Killer went to reply to him but was cut off as suddenly the room was lit by flames, wooden torches attached to the wall lighting ablaze and throwing the room into light.

All three of them froze.

"Th-This isn't the right place." Dream whispered, his voice horse and frantic.

They were in the throne room, the large stain glass windows casting additional moonlight into the hard stone room. They looked up to the top, where someone was sat in the large throne, their expression murderous.


He was sat in it casually, one leg crossed loosely over the other. His blue eye ignored Dream and Killer entirely, fixated on Cross. He shifted, resting a hand on the arm of the throne, a golden chain hanging around one finger. The locket was attached at the end.

"Going somewhere, traitor?"


Oh noes

Bit of suspense and cliffhanger I think :3

Mmmm we're getting somewhere guys and gorls

I think so anyway


And what do you think Cross is up to?



A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon