I: I Can't Sleep.

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You tossed and turned in your bed, trying to find a comfy position to attempt to fall asleep, but it just didn't seem to work. After 20 minutes of relentless thrashing, you sat up, brushing your hair out of your face and sighing "this is the third night in a row." you mumbled to yourself as you looked around the dark room. You had been in the dark long enough that you could see everything around you.

As you looked around, you realized that your throat was exceptionally dry so began looking for your glass of water, to find it empty on your bedside table. "must've drank it all earlier... typical.." you groaned as you stood up and stretched.

You made your way to the kitchen and yawned as you practically hobbled over to the sink and grabbed a glass of water. You chugged that and filled the glass with more water, this time slowly sipping on this one. Words couldn't even describe how tired you were but you couldn't seem to fall asleep.

You stood there for another ten minutes, sipping on the water and then glanced over at the sink, full of dirty dishes. You decided that you'd wash the to kill time, which worked. 

As you were scrubbing the last pot, the doctor walked into the kitchen, wearing a brown old apron, covered in oil. "Alright?" she asked as she headed over to the kitchen table, slumping into one of the seats. "Yeah" you said, not realizing how exhausted you actually sounded. The doctor looked at you with a raised brow and smirked. "You look like a zombie." she commented, and then stood up. "Whats wrong?" She quizzed. 

"I can't sleep, i haven't been able to sleep for a few days." you said in a monotone voice. The doctor stood in front of you and held her hand out, earning a confused look from you.

"Come with me." she instructed with a warm smile. "Where to?" you asked, this time not sounding so dead. "You'll see" she replied, making you more confused, but you surrendered and followed her. After walking through the twists and bends of the TARDIS, you arrived at the doctors bedroom, it was so elegant and grand. The bed was huge and the sheet were a silky white and gold. The walls stood high with pillars in all four corners. her coat was flung on the floor and there was a faint smell of custard creams.

She took your hand and led you over to her bed, again causing you to give her a look of pure confusion. "Get in" she said, giving you a goofy grin. "W-why?" you said as all sorts of thoughts raced through your mind. "Don't worry, i'm not trying anything weird" she said, knowing exactly what you were thinking. You felt your hole body relax, though you didn't realize how tense you actually were. You got into bed and looked at her trying to predict what was going to happen next.

The doctor took off her apron and got into bed next to you, still giving you a dorky look. "Lie down its okay" she reassured you. You lay down, again obeying her instructions. When you got comfortable, you felt her arms wrap around you and pull you close. You were shocked at first but after a while got used to the feeling of her body pressed against yours. "When i cant sleep, i know all i want is another persons warmth to sooth me and help me relax" she whispered. You smiled and melted into the hug, listening to her heart beats. Before you knew it, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep.

You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face, to see the doctor asleep, still holding you tightly. It was then that you realized you loved the doctor unconditionally and would always feel safe around her.

A/N: welp that took me a good few days to write! hope you enjoyed this very un organised piece.

have a good day my lovely reader! <3

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