Story before designing new room ☑️

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Helen stuck her hand out. "Oh yes, sorry," girl gave her money and Helen handed her the amount of cocaine that she paid for. Just like every week. "What do you want me to do, if he's still there?" she asked, as they walked to the door.

"Make sure, he won't get in. I need to clean this mess and if neighbors would call cops, they would quickly get here. They can't, I already have stuff for others here," girl nodded and walked out. Helen walked by window to look how things went with Jeremiah. There was already cop taking him away. And moment later girl walked out, cop asked her about him and she panicked. Another drug addict went by and rang her bell. That was the moment she ran to get everything in the secret room, that is very hard to find, if you don't know about it.

She didn't count with dogs and time. Before she got to the right door, cops with dog rushed in. As soon as they saw with that pack, they had to lead dog out, knowing what would happen then. "Helen Carter, hands behind your head, NOW!" one f the officers scream and then little girl named Abigail (called ABBY!!! :D ) started crying. "Jessonas, get the kid," cop snorted and went to get cuffs on Helen's wrists. "Let's make it easier and tell us, who's the father?"

"Don't touch my daughter," she shook.

"Jonas, tell her all the rights she has and get her out of my sight," officer walked to the room with little girl. "What's your name, big girl?" he picked her from his partner. "You're not going to talk to me? I'm not bad guy," he looked deep into her crying eyes.

"Mommy," she frowned at him and cried more. He sighed went down. By the time they got down she was scream-crying. "I want my mommy," she was crying so hard.

"Go get her car seat from their car and tell them to get name of her father. It's not like I'm about to adopt any kids. I love my freedom so much. I don't think that with kid, the freedom ever gets back, you know. After kid, you don't have that much energy to do all the stuff like now," Jessonas laughed over his partner's words.

"That's because you're at least 18 years older than now," they laughed some more. "I'll put the seat in our car and we can give it to her father," Peters nodded. Fifteen minutes later they were looking for Abby's father's name and/or address, getting mad. "This woman is unbelievable. She wrote one of her kids to their father and the other just to herself. Time to go. Where did you put that pure little girl?"

"Detective Morgan took her. She was all about her from the moment we came. I'll go get her and you go get the car ready," they separated their paths. Officer Peters walked to table with label Morgan. Little girl was half asleep in detective's arms. She immediately started crying again.

"Look what you did to my work. She finally calmed down," detective sighed. "Where are you taking her anyways?"

"We managed to find address of her father, so we're going there and she has sister as well. Her mother had very weird system," officer sighed.

"Mommy," she cried more.

"No mommy, daddy," she cried as if they were killing her. "You're going to see your daddy," he walked out and to the car. By the time they got to the house, she was out like light.

***End Of Story Time***

"Come here, little sad bubble," Mitch picked her up. "I need your help," she giggled. "But only her. She has to pick where she wants her things," Mitch said when all girls looked at him. They pouted, but sat back down. "Sorry. I will bring her back soon," he smiled and carried her to her soon-to-be room.

"Hey, unc-e Gweg," she waved at her family member when she saw him.

"Hello, little girl," her uncle waved back. "So let us know where you want your furniture."

"Don't scare her with such a big words," Mitch chuckled. "Just give her time. This is big decision," she giggled and laid her head down on his shoulder.

After half hour of not moving, she started organizing everything, making her uncle laugh a little. "Born to be boss," he chuckled some more, when she looked at him. "Don't look at me like that. I'm working on your room, so it has to be perfect," she giggled and got back to organizing her room.

"How is it going?" Kimy walked in, breaking Abby's chain completely.

"Now I don't know, how it all was," she pouted and laid her head back down where it was. Mitch laughed.

"Sorry," Kimy chuckled and looked between both males. "Just so you know, lunch will be done soon. Maybe like fifteen minutes or less. Depends on rice and how quickly it's willing to cook," she pinched little girl's cheek, who giggled shortly after.

"Great, because I'm getting little hungry," sound of Greg's stomach only proved him right. "I barely ate today," he pouted. Abby giggled, when his stomach grumbled again.

"How about we take a break and come back after lunch and little nap?" Mitch asked, taking his little girl up in the air. "You can think some more and rest your head for a moment," she nodded and they all returned to the rest of the girls.


So next chapter will be mostly me describing Abby's room (that's my plan, but I doubt I will actually make it) so if you don't like describing chapters you can skip it, but at least give it a view - click on it and then leave it = job well done.

I don't know, when I will update next bc I just bought new book and I really want it read it + all the other books, which I'm trying to get to as well and it's a lot of stuff to do. So please be patient.

In case you have any idea or just want to say hi, you can comment down below, text me via dms or vote - in that case I contact you via dms to say thanks or give you shout-out in next chapter because it helps get to work, bc I want to make you happy and smile at everyone you see. It changes people's day, when you smile at them, it's true :)

I'll stop my ranting. bye loves, see you next time :) <3

28.7. 2019 11:15pm
- Hunter

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