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Let's Get Straight Into It

Little disclaimer before we start Ik a bunch of people will be commenting about how Aiden is 15 and isn't aloud to have sex yet I'm well aware but in the story he is a bit older so it isn't illegal threw out the story

And remember u would be roughly the same age as Aiden younger or older what ever  wanna be
Thank you sorry I had to clear that up

Olaina is a really good friend of yours Since yr 5 when she arrived to your primary school

Tim is your gay best friend who is currently dating Ace another one of your friends but not best friends

There will be a girl named coleste later into the story she will be meantioned and classified as someone's gf but later it goes into confusion with cheating claims and cosete will eventually start to bully u out of jeliousy

Aiden will be a bit mean to u at the start but things will change

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Euphoria // Aiden Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now