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Ana woke paralyzed and gasping for air and an alarm going off it wasn't too loud a few doctor's ran in checking the bag holding the water and ahem business bag, they were whispering panicked statements they then grabbed a needle seeing she was awake and injected it into her, before she could say anything her vision blurred and she passed out again.

The next time Ana woke up she was back in her bed she could move again and when she looked over she saw Sal just sitting there not moving, she shifted uncomfortably in her bed and the stirring alerted Sal to her being awake he look at her and smiled but then it dropped into sadness, a brief moment of silence hung in the air until he finally broke it saying "someone tried to murder you" Ana just sat there in silence, Sal continued "they snuck in and injected you with some kind of poison that made you literally suffocate to death, it was modified from the blood test we took, it wasn't much change it just stopped you from moving." there was a beep from the watch on his wrist he stared at it for a second before continuing "we have had to fire most of our staff except doctors and some of the trainers that we could trust and even they are being observed all the time" there was a slight pause "in secret of course..." with that there was a awkward silence hung in the air until Sal made a sniff sound and said "well we done our checks and the poison isn't in your system anymore, if you want you can get up and head to the cafeteria and have some lunch with the others" with that Sal took his leave, Ana getting up and heading to the cafeteria (she was too scared to teleport there) when she got there she saw Dorc sitting there with a closer observation she saw him grab some of his food and hold it under the table then his hand came out with no food, she shrugged it off and went and got some food and sat with her friends. There was alot of happy statements like "im so happy your up" and that. Most days went by with the same training but a constant mistrust in each other, the mistrust looming over them like a shadow of death but as like most of the time it passes but that was until a whizz happen when Dep was walking around the halls just on a stroll, he walked over to see a bullet lodged in the wall, turning and looking out the window he saw a few trucks... but they were not part of The Company.... it was the army before he could alert the others a huge explosion went off in the floor below him, but the explosion was so big it damaged the floor beneath him, he stood there frozen.. cracks forming at his feet, the floor groaning under his weight, until it gave in he fell a short distance landing on his bum facing a gaping hole in the wall, he turned around to see his friends standing there in shock before men in armour rushed in.. fiona thinking quick made a wall of fire thick enough no bullet could past but what happened next was a utter shock... gunfire shot through the wall of fire and hit fiona sending a huge electrical current through her body knocking her out, Dorv just standing against the wall watching all his friends get shot by this taser and went willingly with the army when they turned to him.

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