Panic Arisen

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Darc laid  the kid on the ground and sat next to him waiting for him to awaken, Dep walked up and created a small ball of water and gently threw it at the kids face. He awoke in a snap, looking around seeing all these people he immediately panicked and created a wave of shadow like a wip and knocked everyone off there feet then created a orb to protect himself (not like the first one this was just a orb of shadow). Fiona by now has awoken and tip toed over to the shadow ball, creating a flame in her hand walked closer until she was in arms reach of the kid, when she got to him she threw herself forward a bit and hugged the kid, in shock he let his defences down and soon realised these where one like his own.... special. After breakfast he finally spoke and said "who and what are you?" <Authors note: queue the massive introduction of there powers there real names and there fake names>

In a curious manner he looked around and saw Dorv.... just alone, eating, not saying a word, ron (the dark magic kid) opened his mouth to say something to dorv and fiona cut him off before he could speak and said "thats dorv we dont know much about him but he doesn't speak" she mumbles to herself as she got up "hes a freak", the moment she stood up she stumbled over and landed face first in her leftovers, this brought a slight smile to Dorv's face. Most of lunch went on as normal until a breaking news broadcast went over the television hanging on a wall nearby, it announced that the president was kidnapped and being held, the kidnappers where asking for a demand of 10 billion, and the authorities where focusing all efforts on finding these kidnappers.

The head of The Company (his name is Sal) ran in screaming "ARRRG THE PRESIDENTS KIDNAPPED" he turned to the children and said "i need you to go retrieve him!" Ana ran up put her hand on Dorvs and Rons shoulders (knowing that dorv had caused fiona to fall somehow) Dorv surprised by this contact was shocked when the surroundings went from a clean eating area to a smelly place that seemed like a shipping crate. The president looked up seeing 3 kids standing in front of him, taken back he nearly fell off the chair but caught himself at the last second, Ron ran over while dorv stood leaning against the wall and Ana standing guard and attempted to untie the knot holding the president back, after too long purserving with this he formed a blade out of shadow and just sliced the wire. The wire fell to the ground in what seemed like slow motion as an alarm started blaring, this was strange Ron thought as he took cover behind the President "why would they have motion sensing alarms... seems a bit high tech for just some kidnappers"

The door to the shipping crate flew open and four men armed with machine guns ran in to see a president dusting himself off and 3 kids standing there.. BANG the door slammed shut behind them, ron knew this was his time.. he ran forward and created a ball of shadow around the four men and sent them flying so hard at the door it flew off its hinges and they went flying... what they saw next was shocking, tens of thousands of men all armed with machine guns on a shipping frighter in the middle of the ocean, this confirmed rons fears, this wasnt a random kidnapping.. this was deeper... BANG ron feel to the ground, unconscious but alive.. he had a bullet hole in the back of his chest, very close to his heart.. Ana turned around to see the most shocking thing

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