Chapter 1

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Its not that I like him. No, not at all.

Its not like I find him really attractive and have this urge to kiss him every time he moves those angelical lips of his.


I don't love him.

Do I?


Well... It can't be that bad... Its probably just a momentary thing. Its not like its real love... Or like I'm head over heels for the doncaster lad that has been my best friend and band mate for such a long time.

"Harry?" Oh God, his angelical voice again- I mean- his really nice voice.

"Haaarryyyy?" Louis said again, in a sing song voice.

"Yeah lou?" I smiled at him.

"You keep zoning out." He sighed. "So, what do you say about going to the movies friday? I heard maze runner is really good."

Oh. Right. We were making plans for after tomorrow's concert.

I shrugged. "Sure."

He smiled and looked back down at his lap top screen, where he was checking out the movies that we could go to tomorrow.

It surely can't be. I don't love him. I like girls. He likes girls, anyways.

Do I Wanna Know? • Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now