-Shit, stop you just met-

Our eyes meet but I look around the room to avoid his brown eyes.

"Your very different from your vids" He said "How so?" I ask "Well you aren't as loud" He said laughing slightly and I smile and shrug.

"But you're even more cute in person" he said and my heart legit flips.

"Yo Alex! Someone's trying to pee in the closet!" Someone shouts from the doorway.

"FUCK NO" Alex dashes out the room but quickly peeks back in "TALK TO YOU LATER Y/N!" And he's off. I just stand there my face heating up.

-He just said I was cute!-

My smile won't go away


My smile just grows.

"What's up with you?" I see Kwite and grab his hands twirling around.

"ARE YOU OKAY? DID SOMEONE SLIP SOMETHING IN YOUR DRINK?!" He asked and I let go of his hands making him fall back.

"I'VE NEVER BEEN BETTER" I say leaving the room.

-I have to tell Ani!-

I dash downstairs my smile still there and spot her and she sees me before I could even walk over to her and tackles me in a hug and I laugh.

"Y/N you see that guy over there?" She asked

-She found someone too!!-

I thought excitedly and looked over to where she was pointing and my smile drops as I see who it was.

"From all the guys here this one's mine" She whispers in my ear with a giggle.

I stare at Alex as he was laughing at something Brandon said. I look over at Ani and she was staring at him.


Tears wanted to form in my eyes


I force them not to as I look back at Ani who was smiling.

I let out a sigh and she looks up at me and I give her a fake smile slowly taking her hands off my shoulder and make my way towards Alex.

Frowning the whole way as I go through the crowd of people but place a smile once I'm in front of him.

He stares at me and smiles "I want to introduce you to a friend" I say and motion my head towards Ani he looks over at her.

"Isn't that Ani? I've seen a couple of her-" I wrap my arm around his and start leading him to Ani who was clearly freaking out.

I watch as they greet each other I hear when he invites her to dance. She tries to decline but I knew she'd regret it later on.

"She'd love to" I say with a fake smile "I'll leave you guys to it" I say winking at Ani and walking off.

A sob escaped my mouth but I quickly put my hand over it rushing to the stairs. I lock the door to the bathroom taking a deep breath and placing my back on the door as a placed a hand over my mouth.

-I know my best friend like I know my own mnd. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind- I thought in my head.

I always want Ani to be happy because its what she deserves even if it means I have to give up someone for her, I would...

*Back at the porch to what Y/N was thinking*

Tears escaped my eyes as I listen to Aksel give his speech

-At least she's his wife-

I wipe my tears away and hear clapping inside

-At least...-

I get up and place my hand on the door knob.

-I keep his eyes in my life...-

I force a smile on my face but it turns to a frown

-This is for her...-

My hands were shaking

-For her...-

I take a deep breath and force the smile back on and head inside.

*Back to the toast*

"To the hope that you provide!" I say as I raise my glass as high as I can with a smile as tears escaped my eyes.

"May you always be satisfied" Ani smiles and goes over to me wrapping me in a hug and I close my eyes hugging her tightly.

Everyone starts to clap when I open my eyes they meet Alex's who was clapping as well.

"Thank you..." She whispers and separates from the hug to look me in the eyes.

"That was such a beautiful toast" She wipes her tears away and I nod that's when she goes back to Alex.

-And I know, she'll be happier as his bride, and I know, I will never satisfied...-

I walk away chugging down my champagne.

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