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3rd person pov

Everything is dark and cold. The cold wind is howling. Snow is falling. The ground, the trees, everything looks like they're wearing white gowns.

At the end of the path, a gigantic door can be seen. Its a purple stone door, it seems antique, but still as firmed as ever.

Suddenly a loud creaking noise can be heard. The door, which seems like it hadn't been opened in ages, opens, but only for a few inches.

A tiny and skinny looking girl managed to squeeze out of that gap, she stands in front of the gigantic door, hesitating, then pushes the door with all of her strength, with a frown on her face. After the door was closed with a loud bang, she stands still, hesitating to turn behind.

She catches her breath, slowly turns behind. A long and dark path is awaiting for her to cross by. The thought of something that might jump out from the pitch black woods thats standing still beside the path, has filled her with FEAR.(lol cringe)

She walks down the path with bare feet. Its so cold that her whole body starts to become numb. Even though she accidentally stepped on a few stones, she literally can't feel anything, so it might be dangerous if she steps on thorns or any sharp things.

She walked and she walked and she walked......

She was thinking about Toriel, the goat, whom she fought earlier so she could escape The Ruins---Toriel's home.

"I'm only protecting you, my child."
"Its dangerous out there."
"There are monsters out there, hunting for your soul."
"So stay with me, if you don't want to be killed, my child."
(I know, I made it up)

She's thinking about Toriel's good deeds. Should she turn back? Should she stay at The Ruins, under Toriel's protection? She stops dead at her track. She misses Toriel, she misses Toriel's butterscotch pie, she misses the warm and cosy Ruins. The feelings, she squeezes her face, desperately wanting to turn back.

"No," A distorted voice springs out of nowhere.

"Don't you dare turn back," Says the voice again.

She jumps, but calms down as soon as she recognises that creepy voice. She looks around, but sees no sign of her "friend".

"Hey! I'm down here! Are you blind or what?!"

She almost jumps out of her skin, again. Shes looks down at her feet. An oversized flower raises his head to look at her. This is no ordinary flower, this flower looks like a buttercup, but instead of pollens in the middle, its replaced with a large and hypnotising eye, and his name is "Flowey".

(Hewo guys owo! Thx for reading the first chapter of my first story, did you enjoy it? Sorry if its too short úwù. There's only 400+ words in this chapter, so i'll try to make it to 500+ words in the next one uwu. I was having trouble finding words to write this story, and I'll probably make everything to past tense in the next chapter. I'll try to update tmr since its holiday tmr. Btw, TQ very much for reading. Oh, and feel free to correct my mistakes or dm me anytime~ ^^ Have a good day!!)
P/S: You might not know this, but the cover was made by me uwu. I know its cringy cuz its a lazy art :p

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