Nora rushed the Santas just as they scrambled back. A light beamed them up and a smile lit her lips. That was more like it. She ran back up the stairs and to the apartment to see the trio had successfully woken the man. They were crouched on the ground by the railing she'd vaulted over. As soon as she stepped off the stairs, the man passed back out.

It seems we're early.

A groan fell from Nora's lips, garnering the attention of the apartment gang. "Seriously? After all that?"

"Who the hell are you?" the blonde girl snapped. Dried tear tracks glistened on her cheeks.

Nora picked her bag off the floor. "I'm early." The group looked taken aback by her American accent. An annoying side effect of being a Yankee in London. She pulled her thermos from the depths of her bag, took a sip, and corrected, "I'm Nora. I'm Nora and I'm early and now my stupid ankles hurt." She drained the last of the coffee from her thermos and stuck it back in her bag.

"What are you doing here?" the dark-skinned man questioned. "Are you here for the doctor?"

"What?" She scrunched up her nose and folded her arms across her chest. "Do I look like I need a doctor, buddy? Whatever. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning." She didn't give them a chance to reply before she took off, down the stairs and back to her shitty car. Instead of shoving her key into the ignition and leaving, she crawled into her backseat and laid down for the night. There wasn't a point to going all the back to her hotel room just to come back in the morning. She tugged the blanket she'd definitely stolen from her mom's place over herself and closed her eyes.

A split second later, someone was knocking on her window. She shot up, hitting her head on the roof. A string of expletives left her as she rubbed her eyes, trying to get them to adjust to the new influx of light. She squinted to see the blonde from last night outside her car looking rather cross with her. Nora groaned and hopped out of her side of the car.

"Can I help you?" she growled. She knew from the rapid passage of time that she'd slept, but it certainly didn't feel like it. She was more exhausted than ever and it showed in the bags under her eyes. Her head ached from its surprise collision with the roof of her car. To make matters worse, she was all out of coffee.

The blonde put a hand on each hip, narrowing her eyes. "Where the bloody hell have you been? Aliens hijacked the shuttle to Mars, a third of the world's population's gone up to the roof, and the aliens are threatening the planet so we're getting out of here!"

Nora opened her mouth to make a snarky comment before her brain actually processed the blonde's words. Well shit. She'd certainly slept through all the interesting bits. She rubbed her head. "I don't know what you want me to do."

The police box, Nora.

Nora looked away from the blonde (she really needed to ask for her name) and checked out the blue police box. It was in the same spot as it was last night, but now the door was open. She took a step to the side, removing herself from the blonde's path, and rushed over to the police box. Now that the door was open, she could see that the inside was-

Wait. Hold up.

She ran inside, spinning around wildly trying to catch a glimpse at everything. "How is it so much bigger on the inside?" She nearly tripped over the man from the bed. She crouched down beside him to check his pulse. It was erratic. Nora was no medical expert, but that couldn't be right.

"He has two hearts," the blonde said from her new spot at the console.

Nora sighed. "Of course he does. What is this thing?"

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