The Great Clashing

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There once was a kingdom far away from our knowledge, in which two types of people lived. The light people, commonly described to be "Angelic" for their cheerful personality and unnaturally good looking appearance. Then they where the feared and hated shadow people, these where interpreted as "Demonic" in every shape and form. These where told to be heartless and cold in such inhuman ways that was just sick. Despise everything, the two types lived together in harmony. As time went by, a young shadow adult, called Blaike, believed that both types weren't meant to live together. This commenced a war, in which lasted 10 years. Houses where burned, children from a shadow and light marriage, or gray children, where killed. As many survivors would say, it was the coldest and bloodiest war of them all. The war finally ended with the light people as victors. Together they came to a conclusion that Shadows people should not be trusted anymore, and expelled them out the village. To the darkest place of the kingdom. In this place Blaike rose to the thrown as the King of Shadows, but soon died. This caused his one and only son Blake to become the new King. Blake later on fell in love with a female villager called Devany, and together they gave to birth to their first child Saile.
Saile was born with a rare condition, in which he couldn't go out in the sunlight or he would quickly burn into ashes. His eyes and hair where pitch black. His skin, cause of the lack of sunlight, was pale as a the moon's light.
Saile grew up as a strong young shadow prince, with only one weakness, ladies. ((Yes I know what a shocker. Huh?)). He had been trained to use a sword in battle, and to never fall weak for anything.
Everyday he would wake up, and go to the dinning room, where he got his breakfast, and had long speech of what he had to do that day. One day that routine was changed. He still woke up, ate breakfast, but right after finishing his food Blake summoned him to his throne. Saile walked to the throne room and kneeled down, Blaike bowed his head and proceed saying "Son.. I have a request for you. As you might already know. Many years ago a war commence between Shadows and Light. Am I right?" Blake spoke with his baritone voice. "Yes, father." Saile agreed. Blake continued "... I was informed that some Lights are planning on attacking out kingdom once more... I want you to go to their camp and... Do what ever is necessary for you to stop them." Saile's frown turned to a evil smirk "Yes... My lord." He vowed, he stood up, and walked strait to the double door, with all his darkness and elegance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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