Meeting Cliff

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"Daddy I'm home." Jane yelled. Jane saw Chief and walked down the hall with him. "Do you want to take a nap you've been out all night." Chief asked. "Ha ha! No!" Jane yelled. "You need to take a nap!" Chief said loudly. Jane turned into one of her personality's called Sylvia. "I'm not sleepy." Sylvia said with her deep voice. "I would like to talk to Jane." Sylvia turned into Hammerhead, kind of an asshole. "Jane isn't here you sissy little bitch." She said. Hammerhead looked up and saw Rita, Cliff, and Larry coming out of a room. "What the fuck is that?" Hammerhead said. "Hammerhead that's Cliff." Chief said. "Is he a toy?" Hammerhead asked. "Hammerhead." Chief said. "Are you a toy?" Hammerhead asked Cliff. "Yeah, heard you the first time are you a raving douche?" Cliff responded.  "Hello Hammerhead good to see you." Rita said. "Fuck off and die, Rita." Hammerhead said copying Rita's accent. Rita looked down and went back into the room and Larry followed. "This your pad big guy. Where the magic happens, let me see what you got." Hammerhead said but Cliff stopped her. "What kind of man stuff you got in here?" "Cars." Cliff said. Jane turned and walked away a little. "Yeah, little toy cars for a little to man," Hammerhead said "I bet it gets real wild in there, in the wee wee hours of the night when you think no ones watching." "Anyone ever tell you to shut your fucking hole." Cliff said. "Or what?" Hammerhead ask and put her hand on Cliff's general area "Little toy bot does what?" Hammerhead ran towards her room and closed the door.

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