Chapter Three

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Trevor was playing with his Happy Meal toy as we sat next to each other in pre-calc. He had actually ordered two meals, but had gotten the same Lego Racer in both, color and everything. So of course he had given the extra one to me. He had not been happy about it, ironically enough, and had complained about being ripped off. But his mood had improved a little when I had given him my boxed lunch to eat in addition to his cheeseburger and chicken nuggets. I had ended up ordering a quarter pounder with cheese, and Trevor had teased me for copying Matt. It wasn't my fault the older Wentworth brother had good taste.

The small, blue piece of plastic with gray wheels rolled off of Trevor's desk and onto the floor with a click. Mrs. Pereta paused in her lecture to glare at Trevor. He gave her a sheepish smile in return, clearly attempting to feign innocence, or at least naivety. The math teacher walked over to our row and picked the toy up from the floor. Trevor sat up in his seat hopefully, but Mrs. Pereta ignored him, putting the plastic on her desk before continuing her lesson. Trevor slumped back down and started tapping his fingers against his desk, now that his hands didn't have anything to occupy themselves with. He could have been taking notes, but why would he bother when he could just borrow mine?

When the bell rang and class was over, Trevor visibly perked up. I rolled my eyes at him. It was just a cheap piece of plastic that would most likely break in a few days anyway, but he probably wanted it to play with during his next class.

I lingered behind Trevor as he approached Mrs. Pereta, who stood at her desk. She held the toy in her hand, away from Trevor.

"I expected more from you, Mr. Wentworth," she said sternly. "Matthew never would have behaved like this in class." Ah, so she was one of Matt's old teachers. Trevor had gotten a few of them over the years, and had disappointed most of them. Matt was a great student, and Trevor was smart and could be great too when he applied himself, but few of the teachers knew how similar the two brothers really were outside of school. Matt could be just as loud and childish as his younger sibling, especially after a few drinks.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Pereta," Trevor apologized, but he was eyeing the confiscated object the whole time.

"There's still plenty of time for you to turn your act around." Trevor nodded, and with that she handed the toy back to him. Trevor smiled happily and thanked her. I was almost certain he was going to get it taken away from him again in his next class. It was too bad that Matt wasn't there to bet on it, although he would probably agree with me.

When we were safely out in the hall and out of Mrs. Pereta's hearing range, Trevor mocked her. "Matthew would have never behaved like this." I smiled at his exaggerated tone. "When are teachers going to realize I'm not Matt? We're two different people."

I shrugged at his rhetorical question. I never had that problem, since I was an only child. Though in my opinion, the slight annoyance in mistaken identity would be made up for by having a best friend who was basically stuck with you for the rest of your life. As much as Trevor complained about these situations, I knew he wouldn't give up the relationship he had with his brother for the world.

The two of us started to diverge as I turned toward the staircase while Trevor kept going straight. He stopped when he noticed I wasn't following, causing other students to grumble as they pushed past the small obstacle he was creating.

"Wait, where are you going again?" he asked.

"I have Health." I nodded my head sideways toward the stairwell. Health class was in a different building entirely, which sucked because I did not want to be rushing to get to class every day.

"Damn, that's right," Trevor frowned. "I'll see you when school's over then." His frown disappeared when he remembered there was only an hour left until that happened.

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