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Sometimes Junhee hated his sisters more than he usually did. And right now, it was one of these moments. Why do his sisters always have such stupid ideas?

He was currently sitting at the table with both of his sisters, which wasn't too absurd for every other Sunday evening but another person was there too and it was no one else than Donghun.
Did his sisters do this on purpose? Did they knew more than he knew himself?
Whatever it was, he was rather annoyed from the two girls and he also felt sorry for Donghun as Sua just didn't stop asking him stuff. But he still answered every single question politely.

All that time Junhee did not once say a thing, knowing that his sisters would twist any word he'd say in something they wanted to hear.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?", Sua suddenly asked.
None of the others expected that question but if Junhee would be honest with himself, he'd be interested in that too.
"A girlfriend?", he asked and the girls both nodded a bit too excited. "No" he then laughed shaking his head.
"A boyfriend?", Sua then asked further.
But before Donghun could say anything Junhee snapped at her.
"Could you stop snooping around in other people's private life when you don't even know them? Don't you know that's disrespectful?" Junhee almost yelled at her.

It actually surprised his sister, normally he wouldn't get so loud, especially when there are guests.
The only one who didn't seem confused was Donghun who just laughed it off.
"It's okay Junhee" he said to the boy, then he turned back to the girls "and no, I also don't have a boyfriend" he said with an friendly smile.

What the two girls didn't see but Junhee definitely felt was Donghun's hand, which he laid on Junhee's thigh to show him that it really was okay for his sisters to ask such questions.

Okay, I lowkey fucked up and forgot this whole chapter after being at the 30th already gzskjx

Special thanks to imwelldonewithmylife for helping me with this uwu

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