An Important Note From Me

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Ok so, to all my fellow transformer fans (I am going to assume you are a transformer fan because I would question why you would read this if you weren't) we all (I assume) have watched every transformer film, including 'Bumblebee' (which btw is awesome) and there are a few. Just a few. Details/events I'm not too found of. For example:

1) Ironhides death, because what the f*ck!? He's bloody awesome!

2) The ever expanding plot that keeps on adding and adding and adding (still thought the dinobots looked cool though) more complicated things then needed

3) Stop focusing on the stupid human romance people, it's a robot alien movie. Not a romance.
One of the things that I personally thought ruined 'The Last Knight' was how they added and focused on the stupid romance, I excepted it in the first movie. But. That. Is. It.

4) There are tooo many humans involved, that boyfriend in 'Age of Extinction'....I can't even put my thoughts into words. Expect for 'What the hell.'

....ok. My mini rant is over.....I am not ashamed 😛

So, ever heard of the butterfly effect? Every choice we make changes the future, not just for our selves, but for the people around us too.

Get where I'm going with this?

When Alex enters into the Transformers bayverse, she changes the fate of the humans and autobots around her. She will enter into the timeline after the events of the first movie. But let's see just what happens.

Thank you 😊

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