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(watch the trailer above hehe)
(Ryesflicker made it for me, she's an angel. Also go read her fics❤️)

Heyheyhey humans!
This is a quick little A/N with some information about the fic that I suppose is unnecessary but yeah please read anyway.

So first of all hi, welcome back!
Or if this is the first story you happen to read of me, I suggest reading Eros and Tokyo Hotel because I've got a feeling they're my better stories.

Does anyone know the short films of Dead Sound? The Autodale shorts to be exact. There are four of them: Being Pretty, No Monsters, Children's Toys and Don't Feed The Freaks. Each of these short films are masterpieces and the last one has a beautiful message to it (he explains the meaning of each short in his making of videos). I strongly recommend watching the Autodale shorts because they're great.

Well, I'm about to use the setting of Autodale, and butcher it with a shitty fic!😁

So I've been excited to publish this story because I honestly thing certain moments in this story (so far) are some of the best writing I have done so far. But I have to warn you. It's very messy. There will be five pov's (each member respectively), the pov's most likely won't have an equal amount of chapters (I'm just gonna use the one I feel is best fit for each chapter) and there will be a lot of flashback scenes. (oh god thinking about it the style really is similar to Threats...)

This story is also Dystopia. I usually don't write dystopia, I think you guys already know what I usually write like. Threats is probably the story that has gotten the closest to being a pretty dark story. Well, this one is gonna be pretty damn negative too just saying. I had to do some research too for certain things to get them right and let me tell you that writing this kinda thing is actually kind of a challenge for me. But it's a challenge I'm willing to take.

I will not be sticking to the original material completely, filling in most things with my own ideas about it. So this is what I adapt from the short films:
-Pretties and uglies
-The masks
-The matriarch
The freaks in the original are supposed to represent strangers, but here they'll just be what they look like, humanoid monsters.

So basically apart from its basic elements I came up with all the rest myself. The system, the whole plot etc are all my own idea so it's not plagiarism (I hope).

Strangely, I always get inspiration for this story whenever I listen to Surrender by Malinda (great song go listen to it)

Buuuut anyways let's just dive right into this angsty puddle!

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