"It's even lovelier meeting you. You have beautiful eyes...um....for business of course. You know how to sight the perfect locations and create something really nice. This place is magnificent." Leanne said and I had to hide my laughter inside a napkin. Trust Leanne to make a fool of herself.

"Thank you madam. Do enjoy your meal" He said smiling at us all and then directly an extra smile and nod at me. Awww, he's sooo cuuuttteeeee.

"Leanne, when will you stop embarrassing us?" Roland said and Leanne gave him a dirty eye.

"What's so wrong in complimenting his business ethics?" She said rolling her eyes and we all chuckled.

"Yeah. You have beautiful eyes sounds so business-like. You are boy crazy, where are you going to put Sev?. In my opinion, Sev is better looking" I said and Royalty gave me a high five.

"Yeah. Sadly, Sev doesn't have an accent but then again, there's no hope with this Peter guy, he seems to be really into you. No offence Ian" Leanne said and I turned to look an Ian who only rolled his eyes and when he looked at me, I could almost swear he was angry.

The fact that he was angry made me angry!. What did I even do?, is it my fault a guy is into me?, is it any of my fault that Leanne said that?, does he have the right to be mad?. He doesn't own me!.

"Can I see you for a minute?. In our room?" I said to him and before he could reply, I marched to the elevator and when I got into the room, I sat on the bed. Absolutely ready for war.


"What's your problem?" I asked immediately he entered the room and he looked at me with confusion.

"Don't give me that confused expression. You know what I'm talking about, what the hell is your problem Ian?" I asked poking him in the chest and his once confused eyes caught fire immediately.

"Are you seriously asking me that?. The nerve of you Snow" he said and I was gobsmacked. I'm seriously gonna go Taraji Henson on this guy!!

"Are you kidding me?. Are you kidding meeee?" I said, feeling my anger burn even more.

"What did I do to you Ian?. I have done nothing but care since we got together, I have done nothing but be nice to you. Admittedly, sometimes I cam be stubborn but I have done nothing to deserve your hatred. You have always been mean to me, I have so much memories of you saying things that hurt a lot than memories of you making me feel good and then the one day I felt like things were going to be right between us, the one day I felt it was going to be perfect, you came home looking at me with so much hatred. Why?" I asked in a whisper and I felt tears sliding down my face.

"Let's just say I found out about the real you" he said and it was my turn to wear the confused look.

"Oh come on Snow, don't give me that face. Did you really think I wouldn't know?, did you really think I wouldn't find out about your past?. Even when you couldn't tell Royalty, you thought it would remain forever hidden?." He said and I was even more confused.

"I told you everything. I told you about my parents, about the orphanage?. What else didn't I tell you about?" I asked raising my hands and he let out a cold chuckle.

"You seemed to miss the part about where you worked at a brothel" he said and blood drained from my face and a gasp escaped me.

"Oh well. Look at you, don't be shocked Snow. No dirty secret will be left unopened, you should be grateful you know. I did you a favour, I had to negotiate with the so called rattle snakes just to keep your secret a secret but I am highly disappointed" he said and I swallowed and blinked.

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