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Clarke and Raven sat on the balcony in Clarke's hotel room, well one of the two hotel rooms. Clarke had a glass of champagne and a vape pen in each hand. Raven had found both addictions disgusting. Raven only tolerated Clarke's addictions because of the state she was in. Raven had pushed Clarke go to a rehab center, but Clarke refused.

"You know it's not good to vape and drink at the same time." Raven said. "I prefer those damn cigarettes over your vape pen."

"Please not today." Clarke waved her off, breathing out some smoke.

"Clarke, you make me go to my therapy sessions for my leg!" Raven exclaimed. "You never go to the rehab center though."

"Raven, I told you, I don't want to deal with this today." Clarke sighed, sipping on the champagne.

"You were doing so well this week without that shit and the ecstasy pills." Raven shook her head. "Maybe you need a companion."

"No." Clarke hissed. "I went through the pain once, never again."

"Oh really, you're being a fucking hypocrite." Raven growled. "You tell me to move on but you can't seem to yourself."

Clarke clenched her jaw, wanting to throw Raven off the balcony. For a second, she almost dropped the glass and the vape pen and throw Raven off. Clarke's eyes were cold and icy, she looked Raven in the eyes and gave her an angry look.

"You can give me rude looks but you should really go to a rehab center." Raven said, getting up. "When you decide to actually go, you can talk to me then. I'll be at Anya's."

Raven walked into the hotel room and called an Uber to go to Anya's house. While she waited for her Uber, she went to the hotel's Starbucks. She got an iced tea and went outside to catch her Uber because it had said that the Uber was there.

When Raven got to Anya's house, she entered the house. Raven walked into the living room to see Lexa and Marny watching Jane The Virgin.

Raven sat down next to Lexa, making Lexa jump in her seat. Raven sat her tea on the coffee table and blabbing to Lexa about Clarke's addiction and how she's a hypocrite. And how Raven has to go to therapy for her leg and how Raven tries to get Clarke to go to rehab but she won't.

Lexa listened closely to Raven's rant. She just knew that Raven had to let it out so that her anger would exit her body. Lexa was trying to look like she was paying attention the rest of Raven's rant, but she kept the part where Clarke was refusing rehab in her mind. Lexa may act like she doesn't care, but a small part of her still does.

"Shouldn't you go back to LA soon to get back to filming?" Raven asked.

"Robert gave me the last three weeks off and then I have the hiatus. I think I'm taking the entire hiatus off."

"That's good, are you doing anything other than staying here?"

"I'm going back to Australia with Marny next week."

"Lucky bitch." Raven nudged Lexa.

Lexa chuckled and shook her head at the girl. She set her attention back onto the television until someone opened the door loudly and stomped into the living room. Lexa turned her head around to see Clarke. She was barely standing and she looked droopy.

"You were right, I need therapy." Clarke slurred.

"Why are you drunk and driving?" Raven asked.

"Because I can." Clarke said. "I had almost an entire bottle of champagne, used an entire vape pen and had a few ecstasy pills and then I realized I needed help..."

"It's about time." Raven muttered.

Raven scheduled Clarke at a rehab center back in Arkadia for the next week so they would be leaving with Lexa. Well, Lexa would be going to Australia and they would be going back to Arkadia.

Raven helped Clarke to the guest bed and laid her down, hoping the girl would fall asleep. Clarke fell asleep instantly when Lexa entered the room.

"Is she asleep?" Lexa asked and Raven nodded.

Lexa smiled and Raven exited the room. Lexa then took a seat next to Clarke's unconscious body. She put a small string of Clarke's wavy hair behind her ear and smiled.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you." Lexa whispered. "I miss you."

Lexa got up and exited the room and went back to the living room to continue watching the television show on tv.

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