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Marny and Maia glanced at Bree who was currently pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room. Bree had to be Marny and Maia's least favorite of the cast. She was pretty possessive and rude to everyone indirectly. She always shot glares at Marny and Maia when no one was looking.

"What do you mean she doesn't have time to care about no one else's well being?" Bree rolled her eyes. "You obviously don't know her well enough."

"We know her well enough that when she says something, she means it." Maia bit back.

"I honestly hate this doctor." Bree ranted. "She's like she's high and she always exits the room with a death glare."

"That's the best doctor in the world you're talking about." Marny scolded. "She well knows what she's doing."

"Anyways, you think Lexa will be out soon?"

This bipolar bitch Marny and Maia thought and looked at each other and back to the girl. "Maybe."

"Do you think she's gonna take a break this hiatus?"

"She should." Marny mumbled.

"I doubt it." Bree shrugged.

The door opened behind Bree, making her jump and Marny and Maia chuckled at her. The nurse looked at Bree and nodded at her, saying that she could go in the room.

Bree glared at Marny and Maia and then walked into the hospital room with Lexa. She took a seat next to the bed and smiled at Lexa who looked stronger and less vulnerable. Lexa's silky hair was now a rats nest and her emerald green eyes were now a dark and sad shade of green, adding the effect of her dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Bree asked.

"Pretty good, doctor said I'd be able to leave tomorrow or the day after."

"You taking a break this hiatus?"

"Yeah, flying out to San Fran and then to a smaller town to live with Anya and Aden" Lexa said.

"Why take the break now?"

"Because I've been working my ass off constantly and too much to think about the things I want in life."

"You're so talented though, you could make millions more." Bree shrugged.

"I'm a millionaire already, I live in an apartment because mansions are overrated." Lexa said. "I own a beat up used Jeep and I could own a Ferrari but I chose not to because I'm not greedy or like that. It's not about money."

"Of course it is." Bree rolled her eyes.

"You're a psycho and you obviously need to open your eyes." Lexa scolded. "It's about the acting and meeting new people part, not the money. You remind me of a dead ex way too much."

"Is it the doctor, because she's a fucking wreck."

"No, it's not but you don't talk about a worldwide ranking doctor like that." Lexa glared. "I could break your neck enough to almost kill you but she'd bring you back. Watch your dirty mouth."

"It's about the fame and drama, Lex." Bree smiled 'innocently.' "The more you cause drama and date, hookup, or whatever, you get your name out there, getting more followers and likes. Plus it comes with possible co-stars to date."

"Get your head out of your bipolar ass and get out!" Lexa shouted. "You disgust me! AND YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME LEX!"

"When will you wake up?" Bree spat. "When will you realize your name could be bigger?"

"GET OUT!" Lexa shouted as her heart rate increased and a nurse walked in to escort the girl out of the hospital.

Once the nurse came back, Lexa laid her head back and asked for Marny and Maia but they refused to enter or visit Lexa. Just lovely.


Two day later, Lexa got out of the hospital and flew back out to Los Angeles. She got to set that day, hoping to ignore Bree. And she somewhat did.

"Hey Lexa." Victor smiled at his co-star. "You feeling better?"

"Definitely." Lexa nodded. "Now help me ignore Bree."

"You work with her." Victor stated. "That's kind of impossible."

"I need to talk to Robert and the producers then." Lexa hissed.

Victor nodded and escorted Lexa to Robert's 'office' which was in his trailer. Lexa entered and Robert looked up at Lexa.

"Hello, Lexa." Robert smiled at the girl who looked as broken as she did when she first met him. "What brings you here?"

"I need to either get Bree's character killed off or mine." Lexa said. "I cannot work with her."

"And what conspired this?" Robert asked and stood up from his chair.

"She reminds me of someone." Lexa said.

Victor left the trailer to give them space and Robert gave a small, sad smile for Lexa. He took out Bree's files and her portfolio, handing it to Lexa. "You can check that. Go straight to all of her reports and her news headlines."

Lexa opened the bulky binder and saw a thick section of news headlines and reports. She looked up at Robert in surprise and he chuckled at Lexa. "Go ahead, read them."

E! News- Bree Williams arrested for abuse and cocaine dealing!

Bree Williams ex-boyfriend, Harry Styles, found in a storage unit, tied to a chair and his mouth duct-taped. There were cuts all over his body and drugs found in the storage unit. We interviewed Harry for more details. Find the full story https:www.e!news/tqsupo08dds011


Red Journals- Bree Williams blacked out in a local club

Bree Williams blacks out in Quinn's local bar after supposedly smoking weed and taking other drugs.


Underwood News- Bree Williams verbal and physical abuse to her ex-girlfriend and her daughter?!

Bree Williams' ex-girlfriend, Charlotte Windell, and her daughter, Michelle Windell. Charlotte told us that Bree would call her fourteen year old daughter a 'slut' and a 'whore' and maybe sometimes a 'hoe' and 'dyke.' Bree cursed them out and threatened them with weapons and she would sometimes physically abuse them with whips and knives.

Lexa sat down the files and looked at Robert who nodded. Robert signed for Lexa to open the other folder which held Bree's real name, age, and her birth family.

Lexa opened the folder and at the top In bold was the name Mia Meralas and her birth year and parents were right under her name in bold. Lexa's eyes widen to see that 'Bree' was thirty-four and her parents were friends with Lexa's parents.

Lexa looked to Robert and glared. "I've been kissing a thirty-four year old this entire time?!"

"She's a great actress and we've been trying to cover up her old stories and her old name but she's surfaced again." Robert explained. "We're killing her off for the finale."

"What are you gonna do now that my arm is broken?"

"We're going to fake kill you off next episodes of productions."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Well, we're going shoot your character." Robert said. "And your character will disappear, but the scenes that you shot by yourself that got cut, we'll use those."

"Cool. So am I released for the rest of the season?"


Lexa nodded and exited Robert's trailer. She caught up with Victor and told him the great news on how she was getting a break and he smiled proudly at how Lexa was considering her time off.

Lexa went home that night and packed a suitcase of clothes and stuff that she would need in San Fran, She got on the next flight to San Francisco to go see Aden and Anya.

Somethings ChangeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon