This is the return

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Hello ladies, gentle men and non binary people, I'M BACK!!! Now you've all probably already forgot about me cause I have been inactive for so long but I have returned, if anyone is here...

I was going through my...

I was going through my

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633 I've realised some people have changed usernames and its CONFUSINGGGGGGGG!!!!AGGGHH!!!!!

Anyway, it's good to be back, I have been busy theses past..2months and...6 days. I'll explain it all soon once I get everything in order and clean up a bit and learn everyone's new usernames.


JaimmieCaskeett thanks for not changing usernames while I was gone because that would've confused me even more.

Anywho, good to be back, glad to see no one else has changed usernames apart from someone who will remain un know who you are...

Also a massive shout out to two people (one who doesn't have a gender)

ROL1CAG3 and Rocket_Runner33
Neither have Wattpad and neither want there real names used but if they don't have Wattpad then I don't think Jorden and Jude will know.

I'll explain about them in the massive chapter I'll be posting on one of my books after I clear up some stuff.

Great to be back,

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