I chuckled as I stuck up both my middle fingers at her.

Boy did she get pissed.

Within seconds of me sticking up the finger she got up and ran towards me, and she was no slouch when it came to running.

"Son of a bitch..", I quickly turned around and darted through the door.

I ran past Kehlani and Lauren, well...more like sprinted.

I quickly looked behind me and saw the instructor catching up.

"The fuck?!", I took a quick left and ran over to the building that housed Demi's office.

I swung the door open, the hinge most likely breaking.

I ran up the stairs and down the hallway.

I could hear the instructor running behind me still.

I slid across the hardwood and ran to Demi's door.

I knocked rapidly, hoping to have Demi by the door before the instructor got to me.

Suddenly I saw the instructor running down the hall, I looked forward again and then door opened.

I didn't say anything, instead I pushed Demi in and ran inside, slamming the door closed and locking it.

Demi stumbled backwards and looked ready to kill me.

"What the fuck are you doing Ry?!", I went to open my mouth but suddenly the sound of banging came from the door.

I kept my back against it and took a second to get my breath back.

Demi let out an angry sigh and rubbed her face.

"What did you do this time?" Demi moaned.

The instructor banged on the door some more, the door was actually shaking at this point.

Demi let out a growl and moved me from the door, she pointed at the corner that was out of sight of the door.

I quickly shuffled over and pulled the chair near me to block the instructor.

Demi sighed and shook her head, she unlocked the door and opened.

"THERE YO-", Demi just stared at the instructor.

"You are in deep shit Ms. Kinch.", the instructor was left speechless again, sputter and trying to get words out.

"Mistress Lovato you have no reason to get rid of me! It's that fucking slut of a girl, Ry, who should be in trouble! She grabbed me inappropriately and made sexual comments about my body!", My eyes went wide and my mouth hung open.

She really was about to play that fucking card.

I looked at Demi and saw her stiffen up.

"I'm going to look at the security footage and something else and from there I will make my decision.", Demi moved back and let the instructor in.

The instructor walked in and sat down in front of Demi's desk.

"Ry, give me your phone please.", I stood up and handed Demi my phone, the instructor looked back at me and was quick to get on her feet.

Demi stepped in front of me and held out her arm and hand.

"You touch her and you will have a problem.", the instructor scoffed and sat back down, arms crossed.

Demi turned to me and shook her head, she gently grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me forward, kissing me on the head.

When she pulled away she paused.

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