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AFTER THE INTRIGUING CONVERSATION with Sabrina, Thatcher made his way back home through the woods. To his mistake, he found himself walking through the woods by himself late a night.

That was only his first mistake.

Thatcher pulled his jacket closer to his body as he walked through the woods.

I hate these woods, he thought, staring into the darkness.

Something in the air made Thatcher tense up, causing his footsteps to quicken. Branches began to snap in the forest and Thatcher felt his heart beating faster than ever, his breath quickened. The sounds echoed through the forest and soon Thatcher was running through the woods back home.

"Holy shit," Thatcher panted as he rushed up to the front steps of his house. The little light on the side of the front door shone faintly, giving Thatcher a bit of relief as he raced up the stairs.

"A little scared?" a strange voice echoed, causing Thatcher to jump up and spin around.

"Who the hell are you?" Thatcher snapped as he stared at a tall dark figured dressed in a dark cloak with slicked-back black hair and extremely pointed nails that looked like claws.

"Faustus Blackwood, the Dean at the Academy of Unseen Arts," the man explained. "And you are Thatcher Calloway, correct? The son of Carolina Nightwood and Jakon Calloway?"

"I don't have to answer your questions," Thatcher snapped. "And what kind of academy calls themselves the 'unseen arts'?" he scoffed.

Blackwood cocked his head and smiled at the boy's strong attitude. He stifled a small laugh before taking a few steps closer to the shorter boy.

"You remind me of your mother," Blackwood laughed. "The same attitude, a spitting image of your father too,"

"You still haven't told me what you are here for, and why the hell are you dressed like that? You look like someone who hails Satan," Thatcher said.

Blackwood laughed again. "You couldn't be more right," he replied. "The Church of Night has been around for hundreds of years,"

"The Church of Night? What kind of religion is that? It sounds fake," Thatcher snapped. "Is this some religious thing? Trying to convert people at their doorsteps? Because if so, you aren't very good at it,"

Blackwood's smile completely vanished, and his eyes turned black with anger. He crossed his arms and stared at the boy. Thatcher stared at the weird man standing in front of his house and turned to open up the front door. As soon as the door opened up a creak, then as Thatcher went to go inside the door slammed shut with no one around it to close it.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  | S. SPELLMANWhere stories live. Discover now