Chapter 5: Masquerade ball! -Part 2-

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                ~~~SONIA'S P.O.V~~~

            Since breakfast was already done, I made some cookies so me and Felicita could talk, with cookies!  I first went to the bath because it takes some long minutes to bake my homemade cookies.  

             I removed my binder and my clothes, and of course my wig.  


           I was taking a shower and I used some of the mansion's shampoo, it smelled good.  I finished after I washed my body then I changed to new clothes, I looked like a chaperone.  Teehee~   I went back to the kitchen as I made a swerve as I turned to the big stove(not the modern for the like pizza stove in the old age), and the timer was already past 4 seconds.  

         NOOOOOOOOO!!!!  My cookies are not perfecto!!!!   
Σ(゚ロ゚」)」   I looked at my cookies but the cookie tray was gone...... 

       I bet Pace-san stole it.....since he loves cookies especially food so much...   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   I don't know what to do now....   I shall do nothing!  I'm too lazy to-- (Then a box of cookies appeared in my hand.)  


         "Ojou-sama!!!"  I ran to Felicita-chan.  She suddenly looked at me, "I brought cookies."  I gave the box of cookies to her.  "Oh, thank you."  She thanked me and smiled.  "While you're eating the cookies, let's go talk."

          Me and Felicita had a talk for a while, girl-to-girl talk.  "Tell me Pierro-kun, are you gay?"  She asked.  "NO!!!  Of course not!!!"  I told to her, and sweatdropped.  "I'm sorry for asking you that because I always see and notice that you act like a girl."

                      She told me.  "I was raised by girls okay?"  I told her a funny story and she believed me.  ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ   "Really?  Wow, so that's why, but you're handsome even though you act girly."  She complimented.

             "Really?  Arigato~ Ojou-sama."  I bowed and cried tears of joy.  (I think that's a compliment that someone thinks I'm pretty.)  ヽ(;▽;)ノ   

                   ~~~FELICITA'S P.O.V~~~

            Pierro is a boy with a pure heart.  He's actually different from all of the men here.  "Ah!  Now I remember!  There will be a masquerade ball later night.  So you can go in your fancy outfit."  I told Pierro-kun about the masquerade ball.

              "Re-really?!"  He asked in wonder.  "Yes."  And he ran away.  

                   ~~~SONIA'S P.O.V~~~

           I was at my room, and removed all of my clothings.  I was in front of the mirror, naked, I can't think on what will I wear because this will be my chance disguising as a girl but I can't...  I sighed.

I just wore a boy's outfit that made me look like a prince and half-chaperone.  I must fit in again!  With the boys, and I must go!  ε=ε=ε=┌(๑ʘ∀ʘ)┘

The Magician {La Arcana Famiglia Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora