Some of my time was also spent bent over a bucket with a huge hangover. But by now I had developed a pretty immense tolerance for alcohol, more than most seen as I drank scotch, not beer or something weak booze like that, I actually hated that stuff. But give me some real liquor and I'm your best friend - at least for that night.

"So you, Maggie and Jane going out again tonight?" he asked after a great deal of silence. Even though we joked about my current unemployment it was still a rather sore subject. Having no job wasn't exactly all fun and game. I had rent to pay, after all.

"No... Not what I know of... why?"

"Maggie talked about some party her brother was throwing." He answered, but as he his eyes glanced over to look at me, he noticed my confused expression - like why on earth would Maggie's Brother have a party in the first place?

Brad explained, "well, Maggie's brother is celebrating something, I don't know what, but they are all celebrating and for what I can gather he asked Maggie to invite some of her friends. "

"Ow, well she hasn't asked me, so I don't think I'm going. Another on earth do you know all this? Did you like, talk to real people today?" I joked; sometimes he was such a zombie, he exhale noisily.

"You know Scarlett sometimes I do talk to people."

"Who? Cyber women on World of Warcraft?" he sent me one of his glares.

"They're people too!" he bellowed.

"Mmhhmm...." I mumbled my lips pursed together, he pushed me into the car door and I in return attacked him pricking his tummy. He squirmed, screaming, "Don't tickle the driver!"

I stopped after 30 seconds or so, because I had to dodge his hand as he tried to push me once more. I knew it might seem rather risky, and maybe a bit violent in a car and all, but it was a gentle game. And Brad was a good driver.

Brad was a tall skinny guy, with reddish blond hair and warm brown eyes, he wasn't totally skin and bone, Some muscle did cover some of the fragile bones in his skinny body. Not a lot, but some.

"OKAY STOP", I shrieked out of breath. And he let up his administrations. We just sat there breathing and laughing, soon after we pulled up in front of our little flat. We got out of the car and went up.

Seeing as our careers didn't bring up a lot of money it was rather run down. The steps squeaked under our feet. "I'm afraid this place is going to crumble pretty soon"; Brad commented.

We got to our floor and walked in, Jane was home. The first thing you saw, when you walked into out apartment was the kitchen. Let's just say pretty much everything in this building was old, except for the stuff we broad along ourselves and then like the microwave or the refrigerator. The walls throughout the whole flat had a faded whitish colour, with exception for out individual rooms, which we had painted in whatever colour pleased us. Cabinet's was standing wide open as if someone had started a hurricane in the middle of the kitchen. On out small table was an empty butter can and bread from breakfast, papers and magazines flooded the same table. One good thing though; we didn't seem to have any dishes just yet.

"Jane? You there?!" I called as I jerked my coat of and threw it on a chair nearby and tugged my shoes of.

"Living room!" she called back, I left the kitchen turning to my left towards Jane's voice. She was sitting on our new IKEA couch. It was big black and comfy, and took op most of the living room. But we absolutely loved it. There was a flat screen TV in front of it. An old one I might add, I think it was Brad who had gotten it as a gift from his parent several years ago. The walls behind the sofa were hung with paintings we had made ourselves, one of mine, which was a painting I had made of all three of us. One of Jane's, hers was mostly blue, green and orange resembling a sunset at the beach seen from a child's perspective - or that's what she told us. And Brad's which was still blank - he said he debated writing 'ART' on in, in big red letters. In front of the couch was a coffee table with old mugs, TV controls, yet even more magazines and half empty pizza boxes. Sprawled on the couch was Jane, seeming to drink tea while watching some show on ABC family.

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