Chapter 21: Dinner

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A/N: Told ya guys I'd update soon. ;) Hope you guys like it! 

<3 <3 ~A2V~


“Let me get this straight,” Barton said, putting his feet on the coffee table in Stark’s main sitting room, “The two of you are going on vacation?”

Clint, Sam, and Bruce sat on the sofa opposite Val, James, and Diana, who had her head in Val’s lap. Dinner was marvelous, and a tad bit hilarious, but what did you expect when Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were your servers? At one point, Val thought they’d start a good old fashion fist fight in the middle of it all. During dinner James had told Val he wanted to make their three weeks count, so he had talked to Fury about taking her to the Bahamas, and, lo and behold, the director agreed. So Pepper hurriedly booked a private villa for them by the beach, and told Tony’s pilot to standby. They’d be flying first class the next afternoon.

“Apparently, yes,” Val shrugged, snuggling closer to James who had his arm around her shoulders.

“Well that’s…” Clint began, then he caught Nat’s death glare from where she sat on the chair beside Barnes, “Great!” he smiled, reminding himself to ask Natasha what was going on, and why would Fury actually allow a vacation.

“So, you guys headed for your honeymoon then, eh?” Sam wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Val threw a pillow at him, “Ha-ha, Wilson,” she smiled as James chuckled.

Steve, who was sitting on the chair beside Sam, spoke up, “You guys just take care, ok? HYDRA’s still after you two.”

“Psh,” Val scoffed, “They wouldn’t be able to find us unless we wanted to be found, right, Barnes?” she stifled a yawn.

“Aww,” Tony cooed from the bar where he had his arms around a grinning Pepper’s shoulders, “Look at our little Angel, she’s tired.”

“Shut it, Stark, it’s just the wine,” Val said as she sleepily stroked Diana’s fur.

“Thanks for making the food runs, by the way,” Bucky said to Clint, Sam, and Bruce. Clint was in charge of appetizers, Sam for entrees, and Bruce got the dessert while the couple was eating outside, all of them were also having dinner together in the sitting room.

“No problem,” Bruce gave his rare smiles, “I never realized how much I actually missed eating chocolate cake.”

Val felt James’ arms tighten around her and she allowed him to pull her closer, leaning her head on his chest. She gave a small contented sigh, which Natasha heard.

“Did I wear you out at training today, Valkyrie?” she teased.

“No, you didn’t,” Val answered, stifling another yawn, “This is just the drinking from last night and the wine now. My body isn’t used to processing so much alcohol in 24 hours.”

James began drawing those infernal circles on her bare shoulder again, and Val couldn’t help it, she just felt so warm and fuzzy, and, for some reason, safe. She conked out in seconds.

Diana lifted her head from her owner’s lap, then jumped down from the sofa and walked to Steve. She started nudging his hand.

“Alright, alright,” Steve smiled at her, “We’ve got to go,” he looked at Bucky and a now sleeping Val, “Looks like she’s out, bud.”

“Yeah,” Bucky smiled up at him, “I better get her to bed.” Then he lifted Val, bridal style and walked to the elevator, “See you guys in the morning, I guess,” he said as the elevator doors closed.

The Valentin Series, Book 1: The Valkyrie (Captain America fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now