Chapter 6: Follow Through

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James Barnes sat on one of Tony Stark’s bar stools, dressed in an olive green v-neck shirt he borrowed from Steve, ripped faded jeans he borrowed from Barton, and a pair of  black work boots he also borrowed from Steve, he half-heartedly listened to Steve and Ironman argue about the latter “pimping out” his arm, whatever that meant. They had both changed out of their pajamas, Steve in a white shirt, dark denim jeans and steel toe shoes, Tony in an Ironman shirt, light denim jeans and barefoot.

  On the sofa, dressed in a white dress shirt, jeans and black leather shoes, Bruce Banner was reading a new journal on molecular science and quantum physics, his eyeglasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Bucky thought he looked a bit overdressed for a day at home, but who was he to judge? Up until today, all he knew was Kevlar suits, cargo pants, combat boots, and flannel shirts. Clint Barton was on the other end of the sofa, absentmindedly strumming his guitar. Bucky tried to recall if he was ever one of his targets, but Hawkeye didn’t ring any bells.

Bucky sighed as he realized the argument between Steve and Tony had escalated, it was clear to him that Tony only did it because he like to rile Steve up, Steve just couldn’t seem to stop biting the bait. Just when he was about to tell them to shut up because they were starting to give him a headache, Natasha’s voice came from the door.

 “Girls, girls,” she said as she sauntered to the arguing pair, “You’re both pretty, now shut up.”

James snickered as Steve glared at the redhead while Tony said “I beg to differ, I’m prettier.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at his response, “Whatever, Stark.” She said dismissively as she walked over to where Barton sat. Steve huffed and turned away while Tony smirked at Steve’s back and started pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

 “So that’s your guitar!” an extremely familiar voice called from the doorway, and James immediately sat up, his breath caught as he focused on the drop-dead gorgeous woman in the short red dress. Valkyrie was in a red halter backless dress that stopped mid-thigh, it was the only halter-backless thing Natasha had.

 Every time he saw her it was the same thing, all the same memories would flash through his mind. Laughing in the cold Czechoslovakian warehouse with only a small fire and their body heat to keep each other warm, promising dances he never thought he could give her; a small cottage on the outskirts of the Black Forest, staring at the stars through a hole in the ceiling and holding hands; hiding out in a literal cave in the Himalayas and staying up the whole night trying to sift through his memories, and keeping an eye out for snow leopards; that one night in the Caribbean before she said goodbye.

 Barton looked over at her and wolf whistled, “Damn, girl, that dress looks better on you than it ever did on Natasha.” He laughed as Nat punched him playfully on his shoulder.

 “Thanks, Marksman,” Val smiled sweetly at him and sauntered over, swishing the skirt around her legs as she made an impromptu twirl, she laughed and flicked her long wavy hair away from her face, “I take that as very high praise. I borrowed that a while ago, by the way.”  Reffering to the guitar as she sat in between him and Dr. Banner.

 James frowned at the way Angel was so comfortable with the other men, but then she was able to bring his humanity back every time she’d get him, he dismissed the feeling, telling himself it was childish and stupid.

 “What’s bugging you, Sarge?” Tony asked with a knowing smile, he had moved to sit beside James while he was busy ogling Angel, “Your frown could break Star-studded Stud’s shield.”

 James shook his head in response, “Nothing, just remembered some things.”

 Tony chuckled, “I’ll take that answer,” he sipped at his orange juice, “Hey, Angie,” he called to Valkyrie, who was now flirting with a flustered Banner, “Stop terrorizing the Hulk, will you?”

The Valentin Series, Book 1: The Valkyrie (Captain America fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now